P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

All Blog Posts (767)

Thomas Greco announces his new money book

Via Thomas Greco:

"After more than a year of intensive labor I finally got to hold my new book in my hands. It arrived in the mail at my California address just a few days after my return to the U.S. What a thrill it was to look at it, to feel the weight of it in my hands, and to riffle its pages. Even the cover is pleasing to the eye. The more I look at it the better I like it; its imagery portrays the proper hopeful message of the book.

My choice of title for this book… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 1, 2009 at 6:29 — No Comments

The Participatory Turn by Jorge Ferrer now available in affordable paperback version

Via Jorge Ferrer:

the paperback edition of The Participatory Turn: Spirituality, Mysticism, Religious Studies (SUNY Press, 2008), is coming out this July and can be now pre-ordered at the SUNY Press web page: http://sunypress.edu/details.asp?id=61696.

Given the prohibitive cost of the hardcover edition, some of you asked me to keep you informed about this release. I hope the book may be of interest for you and your research.


Jorge Ferrer,… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 27, 2009 at 3:25 — No Comments

New book: After the Car

Via co-author Kingsley L. Dennis, www.kingsleydennis.com


Kingsley writes:

Generally the book is 'academic-ish' and I'm not expecting any of you to buy! Although concerned with the car the book is also about the 'future' and addresses issues of a post peak-oil society. If you should feel so inclined, or know of anyone who might be… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 26, 2009 at 4:35 — No Comments

P2P Design workshop in Torino, June 9-10

Post-industrial design by ToDo & Massimo Menichinelli

Details at http://www.irealize.eu/post-industrial-design-by-todo-massimo-menichelli/

This is part of http://www.irealize.eu which has different workshops, such as I EAT, see for more info below:


A workshop exploring the ongoing evolution of a new scenario for design in the information society.


- CoDEsigners… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 26, 2009 at 4:09 — No Comments

Peer Production of Public Policy

I've recently been exploring how peer production methods can be used to build smarter public policy. One benefit of this approach is that the community that drafted the policy would then become a political force urging its passage. Such a scenario might provide a means to counteract the often damaging influence of corporate special interest.

My first question, then, is how do we create an environment in which peer production of public policy can occur successfully? I find the… Continue

Added by Matt Cooperrider on May 25, 2009 at 19:44 — 1 Comment

Learning in a Virtual Classroom


Added by Mark Cruthers on May 25, 2009 at 4:15 — No Comments


Em tempos de mobilidade, siga-me pelo twitter, BlogJournal, Orkut, etc.. O importante não é mais quem você é, mas, ONDE VOCÊ ESTÁ ?

Added by Jamile Borges on May 19, 2009 at 13:12 — No Comments

The Toxic Textbooks initiative

Via real-world economics review / post-autistic economics review:

URL = www.toxictextbooks.com

A new movement (its manifesto is at the bottom of this message) is being launched to encourage universities and schools to use economics textbooks that engage honestly with the real world.

Recently several prominent economists, including Hodgson and Keen, have publicly called for worldwide student protest to help bring about serious change in academic economics,… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 19, 2009 at 10:28 — No Comments

New history of Italian hacker movement

Book: Networking. The Net as Artwork. Tatiana Bazzichelli. Digital Aesthetics Research Centre, Aarhus University.

URL = http://www.networkingart.eu/english.html

"The book describes the evolution of the Italian hacktivism and net culture from the 1980s till today. It builds a reflection on the new role of the artist and author who becomes a networker, operating in collective nets, reconnecting to Neoavant-garde practices of the 1960s (first and foremost… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 17, 2009 at 14:14 — No Comments

Call for Papers on Emergent Orders

The Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Orders at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation is seeking papers exploring the theme

“Organization and Emergence:

Tensions and Symbiosis”

at its


December 3-6, 2009

We seek original work in three areas:

1. Exploring the relations between emergent orders and the instrumental organizations within them. To what degree are they benign, mutually beneficial, or… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 13, 2009 at 3:26 — No Comments

¿Is there is such a thing as peer money?

In this article, Michel Bauwens says that such a thing as peer money exists based in something like a russonian social contract.

We will not argue this fact, though we think that is very difficult to get it to work this way.

Recently I´ve been working around Adrian Bejan´s works about the… Continue

Added by Carlos Boyle on May 9, 2009 at 15:24 — 9 Comments

Renaissance2 Great Shift Partner Gathering, June 22nd and 23rd, Perpignan, France: towards world-centric enterprise

Via Graham Boyd:

Dear Friends,

I thought you might be interested to know the latest about the non-profit organisation I've founded with Robin Wood. Renaissance2 is a not-for profit foundation whose mission is to catalyze social innovation yielding world-centric business. You might be interested, or know people interested, in attending our first conference in June. Feel free to forward this email on to anyone else!

Read on for more info ... or click on the… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 9, 2009 at 3:30 — 2 Comments




International Seminar

Deadline for submissions: May 31, 2009

Event dates: July 6 to 10, 2009 in Medialab-Prado (Madrid, Spain)

Medialab-Prado issues a call for the presentation of papers to be publicly presented during the 4th International Inclusiva-net Meeting. This edition will focus on an analysis of “peer-to-peer” networks and network processes, highlighting the… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 9, 2009 at 3:00 — No Comments

Indian IP laws are the world's most consumer friendly

Via Frederick Noronha:

Wed, May 6 01:12 PM

Bangalore, May 6 (IANS) India has been ranked as the country with the

world's most consumer friendly intellectual property (IP) laws since

its copyright regulations allow citizens great freedom to access and

utilise information for educational and development purposes.

This emerged in a study of 16 countries, including economically

advanced ones, undertaken by the Malaysia-based… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 8, 2009 at 2:43 — No Comments

Call for papers - Economics of Digital Piracy

Call for papers - Economics of Digital Piracy

From http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/S04.cws_home/cfp_iep_si, via chris pinchen:

Call for papers - Economics of Digital Piracy

Special Issue of Information Economics and Policy

Co-Edited by Martin Peitz, Professor of Economics, University of Mannheim; and Joel Waldfogel, Professor of Business and Public Policy, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

We are… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 8, 2009 at 2:25 — No Comments

Reporting on Obama's' IP Report

Via Celia Blanco, who writes us:

The IP consumers' report that Consumers International prepared to "combat" the 301 US report have been launched. (I ended up doing the Spanish part as a P2P Foundation collaborator)

Here's the announcement:

"Consumers International released its IP Watch List to the media (following a successful soft launch in Sydney earlier this month), shortly before the US government released its own Special 301 Report. The two documents… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 5, 2009 at 9:00 — No Comments

InnovaCamp Mediterrane@

InnovaCamp Mediterrane@ is a BarCamp to explore innovation, especially within the Mediterranean region. It is a participatory space where the atendees share experiences, ideas & networking and will take place in Citilab-Cornellà, Barcelona from 22-24th of May. The event is free and everybody is welcome to attend and participate.

You can present your project at InnovaCamp in many… Continue

Added by Chris Pinchen on May 4, 2009 at 16:13 — No Comments

Hacking At Random 2009, Call for Papers

Via Koen Martens :


Hacking At Random,

International Technology & Security Conference August 13-16, 2009,

near Vierhouten, The Netherlands

Please circulate widely,

pdf version at http://har2009.org/index.php?p=86.

Submit your talk or workshop proposals before may 15th on


- From the ancient days long before the… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 4, 2009 at 8:51 — No Comments

Report: The DemoCratic Workplace, by Rune Kvist Olsen

A message from Rune Kvist Olsen

Ask the full PDF via rukvol@online.no

This concept of “The DemoCratic Workplace” is a way to rebuild corporate credibility, accountability and trust throughout the world. The appeal in communicating and forwarding these ideas can be seen as one of the ultimate reactions to the global shift in corporate and economic history of this tumultuous times inflicted with substantial changes and transformations on how our corporate systems in society… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 4, 2009 at 8:41 — No Comments

5th Biennial Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy

5th Biennial Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy

with Small Planet Institute, Ohio Employee Ownership Center, and

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Pittsburgh

Democracy Works: Worker Cooperatives,

Labor Solidarity, and Sustainability

Friday to Sunday, July 31st - August 2nd, 2009

Duquesne University • Pittsburgh, PA


Join worker co-ops, majority… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 1, 2009 at 5:42 — No Comments

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