As you may know, I've been developing a sustainable model for an abundance-based P2P economy where the value of money is derived from renewable energy, and where "the more you share the more you have" is the principle for wealth creation.
I've had a lot of discussions that helped me evolve the model to the stage where it's ready for serious debate.
The following are the main propositions of the model:
1. Direct the flow of money towards socially, ecologically and environmentally intelligent producers of goods and services.
2. Enable a model of money creation where the value of money is derived from energy (i.e. allows the conversion of energy surplus in the system to new money which is then converted to more goods and services, i.e., more productivity, and higher economic growth) and where the process for money creation is both simple (in that it's driven mainly by the economy's capacity to grow, based on increase in available energy) as well as transparent (in that everyone can verify the process.)
3. Enable a model of the economy that promotes sustainable, abundant and cheap energy, which should in turn enable higher productivity and drive economic growth.
4. Enable a model of the economy where in order for peers to grow their wealth (comparatively speaking) they have to share it (by lending their money to others.) In other words, "the more you share, the more you have."
This is a request for feedback (please use the comments section of this blog post)
The model description R0.47.0 is at
Thank you.
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