P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Help send this permaculture documentary to the film festivals!

Joseph Redwood-Martinez writes:

" We launched a crowdfunding campaign to help raise some of the funds needed to send the documentary on Sadhana Forest Haiti to international film festivals: http://igg.me/at/free/x/1892319 .

While I know the documentary will appeal to people interested in environmentalism, climate issues, community living, sustainability, permaculture, etc., etc., I'm especially hoping to connect the documentary to unlikely audiences who would not typically encounter these topics. In any case, it would mean the world to me to have this documentary connect to a much wider audience than I am capable of reaching by myself. P

Some links:

Documentary website with all the information one could hope for: http://onedayeverythingwillbefree.com/

Facebook page that would make it easy to share the video and crowdfunding campaign with your networks: https://www.facebook.com/onedayeverythingwillbefree

And an early review of the film: http://permaculturenews.org/2013/03/30/film-review-one-day-everythi...

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