P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

All Blog Posts (767)

Slow Money conference 09/2009 Santa Fe

Via michael@slowmoneyalliance.org:

Info at http://www.slowmoneyalliance.org.

"Slow Money gets right to the heart of everything that's ailing our economy and corroding our culture. . . It offers a formula for a new kind of capitalism in which farmers' markets and stock markets both flourish.''

-Kerry Trueman, Huffington Post


Slow Money



SEPTEMBER 9-11,… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on July 20, 2009 at 3:00 — No Comments

WikiWars: Call for Participation; 12th, 13th January, 2010, Bangalore

Via Nate Tkacz

WikiWars: Call for Participation; 12th, 13th January, 2010, Bangalore

Event One for the Critical Point of View Reader*


The Wikipedia has emerged as the de

facto global reference of dynamic knowledge. Different stakeholders

Wikipedians, users, academics, researchers, gurus of Web 2.0, publishing

houses and governments have entered into fierce debates and discussions

about what… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on July 18, 2009 at 7:30 — No Comments

CFP: Agency, Activism, and Alternatives in Asia after the meltdown

Via viriya sawangchot:

Call for Paper

Conference Theme: Agency, Activism, and Alternatives

Date: November 13-15, 2009

Venue: SungKongHoe University and Vabien Suites(Seoul, Korea) 1

Host: Institute for East Asian Studies (IEAS), SungKongHoe University

Contact: 2009spices@gmail.com

Statement: Agency, Activism, and Alternatives

Ten years later a crisis hits Asia again! Since late 2008, the rosy promises of… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on July 17, 2009 at 7:53 — No Comments

Call for papers - P2P energy production and distribution

Via Vasilis Kostakis:

Call for papers - P2P energy production and distribution

Info at http://www.re-public.gr/en/?p=1399

We invite contributions for our upcoming special issue entitled “A critical view on Peer-to-Peer energy production and distribution”.

It can be argued that a shift to a P2P-based, sustainable society would be based on a set of inter-related infrastructures:

* A distributed communication and… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on July 16, 2009 at 7:41 — No Comments

THIS IS OUR WORLD: A participatory nomadic documentary

Via Synnove Mathe:

A group of young people (16 - 19 years old) going to surf the world traveling in a sustainable way, just visiting free and public spaces, participatory events and iniciatives, knowing artivists and nomadic persons and projects, hubs, co-working spaces, etc.

We will know more about some key concepts as co-working, nomadology, localvores, artivism, "pro-comun", open and participatory spaces, urbanism communicative, etc.

At same time, the… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on July 1, 2009 at 5:25 — No Comments

3rd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Networked Virtual Environments (P2PNVE 2009)

From: p2pnve

Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 7:32 AM

Subject: [p2p-research] [CFP][Two_week reminder] P2PNVE_2009

To: p2pnve09@acnlab.csie.ncu.edu.tw

Dear Colleagues,

Please help distribute the CFP and consider submitting one or more papers to the 3rd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Networked Virtual Environments (P2PNVE 2009), which will be held on December 9 -11, 2009, in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on July 1, 2009 at 4:38 — No Comments

Financial Industry Receives 10 Times More Money in 1 year than Poor Countries Receive in 49 Years

Via Dante-Gabryell Monson:

" June 23, 2009 - The United Nations Millennium Campaign today released an analysis showing that

since the inception of aid (overseas development assistance) almost 50 years ago, donor countries have given some $2 trillion in aid. And yet over the past year, $18 trillion has been found globally to bail out banks and other financial institutions. The amount of total aid over the past 49 years represents just eleven percent of the money found for… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 30, 2009 at 16:00 — No Comments

Workshop: Open Source Washing Machine Project

Via Dante-Gabryell Monson:

OSWASH | Open Source Washing Machine Project

A four day workshop this july (14-15-16-17) at the Summercamp

Electrified in Ghent (Belgium) where we'll be rethinking, designing

and developing open source washing machines.

Using recycled parts and sustainable energy we'll be building working

washing machine prototypes.

Bring your dirty underwear and join this workshop by sending a mail… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 30, 2009 at 12:05 — No Comments

The "Reclaim the Commons" global call

Via Silke Helfrich, About the Commons Campaign

More info via http://bienscommuns.org/signature/appel/?a=infos&i=apropos&lang=en

This website is dedicated to the collection of signatures for the "Reclaim the Commons" global call, launched at the World Social Forum held in Belém do Pará (Brazil) in January, 2009.

The presentation of the "Reclaim the Commons" manifesto, on the occasion of the Belém WSF 2009, was the starting point of an international… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 29, 2009 at 12:58 — No Comments

Traditional knowledge needed for climate change survival

Via Frederick Noronha:

(more info via http://twitter.com/fn)

Traditional knowledge should not be overlooked' Text

New Delhi, June 29 (IANS) Communities the world over risk losing

control over their traditional knowledge because a UN agency insists

on using existing intellectual property standards for managing access

to the information, a global research organisation has warned.

The London-based International Institute for… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 29, 2009 at 10:21 — No Comments

a new website about share traveling has just been created. use it at: http://www.travelsharing.netsons.org

a new website about share traveling has just been created. use it at: http://www.travelsharing.netsons.org

Added by Cityleft on June 23, 2009 at 11:11 — No Comments

Invitation to participate in the planning of a solar village

Invitation to participate in the planning of a solar village, a call to architects and urban planners by Franz Nahrada:

Dear friends,

this goes in particular to some architects and planners, but also to the

Global Villages list in General because I hope we do not leave anybody out

who might be interested.

In a nutshell, this is about the attempt to opensource a whole village

design process and constitute a learning example for… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 16, 2009 at 8:03 — No Comments

New Book: Restoring professional pride against the neoliberal assault

A book from our member Thijs Jansen:

English Summary of Professional Pride: An Unsuspected Force

When you take pride in your work, you are justifiably content with your work, because it is important and significant, because it is of a high quality and because it has been performed expertly and honourably. Working with a sense of professional pride means that you value the purpose and content of your job openly and self-consciously and that others also rate your work.… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 15, 2009 at 16:09 — No Comments

Summer Conference program, Union for Radical Political Economics, August 15 – 18, 2009

Call for Papers, URPE Summer Conference, August 15 – 18, 2009

For more information about the Summer Conference program, fees,

transportation, etc., click here and then click on the appropriate

link on the left. For more information about URPE (Union for Radical

Political Economics) in general, click here.


Papers and workshops proposals are being accepted for the URPE 2009

Annual Summer Conference held August 15 - 18,… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 10, 2009 at 7:26 — No Comments

HOW TO BUILD A POSITIVE ECONOMY?, conference in brussels on June 16

From: Eric Theunis

Date: Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 6:02 PM

Subject: [Hub Brussels announcement] Invitation Symposium Positive Economy - Tuesday 16th of June 2009

To: Brussels Hosts

Dear Hub Community

The Hub has developed a partnership with Positive-Economy, in the framework of their conference-debate on “How to build a positive economy”. The event will demonstrate how businesses can be run, while integrating social and environmental values into… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 9, 2009 at 12:13 — No Comments

Us Now

Please watch this video, I cannot upload it as Video

Added by Carlos Boyle on June 7, 2009 at 16:27 — 2 Comments

Launch of the P2P Research Group: preliminary research phase

Dear friends,

Now is the time to indicate your interest in this new group, which has assured funding for a number of conferences already.

Please confirm your interest, and fill in this important questionnaire,

Many thanks for participating,


Athina Karatzogianni a.karatzogianni@hull.ac.uk or athina.k@gmail.com

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004@gmail.com

Project: P2P Research Group

Questionnaire… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 2, 2009 at 8:00 — No Comments

June issue of the OSBR is now available: "women in open source"

Via Dru Lavigne:

More info at http://www.osbr.ca/ojs/index.php/osbr

The June issue of the OSBR is now available in PDF and HTML formats at

http://www.osbr.ca. The editorial theme this month is "women in open source"

and the authors include:

Rikki Kite of Linux Pro Magazine discusses the editorial theme.

Cathy Malmrose, CEO of ZaReason, introduces women who make a variety of

contributions to open source from all corners of the world. She… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 2, 2009 at 2:57 — No Comments

Participatory Bioregional Governence: Bioregional Congress


OCTOBER 3-11, 2009

The Farm, Summertown TN

Amidst the hills and hollows, tribes and councils new and old will gather to share and collaborate finding ways to re-inhabit mother earth.

What: Founded 25 years ago, Continental Congresses have brought together earth natives from all generations in sacred celebration and deep connection with the earth and our diverse human family. The 10th Continental Bioregional Congress… Continue

Added by Gregory on June 1, 2009 at 16:48 — 2 Comments

Participation Camp June 27th and 28th - New York City

Via Matt Cooperrider:

Today we announce a new un-conference focused on creating a truly participatory democracy.

Participation Camp

June 27th and 28th - New York City

Learn more and register now at ParticipationCamp.org

About Participation Camp

Participatory government is a powerful ideal, but changing the system will not be easy. In the spirit of Transparency Camp, we're calling on open government advocates from all walks… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 1, 2009 at 7:23 — No Comments

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