P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

All Blog Posts (767)

Constructing a Commons-Based Policy Platform" November, 1st and 2nd, 2010 in Berlin/Germany

Via Silke Helfrich:

Save The Date for the International Commons Conference (ICC)

"Constructing a Commons-Based Policy Platform"

November, 1st and 2nd, 2010

in Berlin/Germany

For information please contact:

Silke Helfrich, helfrich@boell.de ; phone: 0049-3641-509536

Berlin, April 23, 2010

Dear all,

Greetings from the Heinrich Böll Stiftung (hbs),…


Added by Michel Bauwens on April 25, 2010 at 11:11 — No Comments

Symposium on Peer Reviewing

From: ISPR 2010

Date: Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 6:32 AM

Subject: CFP - Symposium on Peer Reviewing

Dear Athina Karatzogianni:

As you know, only 8% members of the Scientific Research Society agreed that

'peer review works well as it is.' (Chubin and Hackett, 1990; p.192)

"A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision and an analysis of the peer review

system substantiate complaints about this fundamental aspect of scientific

research."… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on April 25, 2010 at 9:34 — No Comments

the use of the arduino platform for DIY scientific hardware construction

Via brian bishop:

Proposed special interest group for construction of low cost

scientific devices, exploiting new components, open source hardware

projects, with particular interest in the Arduino platform and

interdisciplinary applications."

.. from http://www.docstoc.com/docs/34667068/SCICOMP-HOMEBREW-CLUB

or:… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on April 23, 2010 at 14:21 — No Comments

Important conference: DIY Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media

DIY Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media

Centre for the Study of the United States, Munk School of Global Affairs

University of Toronto

Nov 12-14, 2010


Call for papers/presentations: due May 20, 2010

Plenary speakers include: Anne Balsalmo, Suzanne de Castell, Ron Deibert, Paul Dourish, Henry Jenkins, Jennifer Jenson, Natalie Jeremijenko, Steve Mann, Trebor… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on April 20, 2010 at 13:15 — No Comments

New Film: Patent Absurdity

Via Peter Brown <info@fsf.org>

Subject: [FSF] New Film: Patent Absurdity

Independent filmmaker Luca Lucarini has just published his new film

'Patent Absurdity: how software patents broke the system'


The film was supported by a grant from the Free Software Foundation and

made possible by the Associate Membership of the Free… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on April 18, 2010 at 10:29 — No Comments

Collective Intelligence Magnifier Project

Looking at Clojure for developing what is currently called a "Collective Intelligence Magnifier." Considered "Collective Intelligence Amplifier" but the acronym is already taken by what appears to be a brute force anti-intelligence affair. One might call it a collective wisdom generator. The label doesn't matter, really.

Think of your brain. When you have bad thoughts does your brain seek out originating cells to kill or incarcerate them? What about good thoughts? Does your…

Added by Tom Loeber on April 16, 2010 at 0:18 — 1 Comment

COPY? RIGHT! A Greek DIY initiative for the free sharing of music and the protection of intellectual freedoms of artists against the music industry


A DIY initiative for the free sharing of music and the protection of intellectual freedoms of artists against the music industry.

If you want to make something yours forever, just share it!

The right to share creative works freely and without restrictions is as important as safeguarding the intellectual rights of the authors.

Music is a public good and authors have every right to share their works freely (without meaning of course for free), without… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on April 13, 2010 at 18:04 — No Comments

Seminario Uninomade sulla rete, 7-8-9 Maggio 2010 Venezia

Seminario Uninomade sulla rete

SAVE THE DATE: 7-8-9 Maggio 2010…


Added by Michel Bauwens on April 10, 2010 at 2:15 — No Comments

New book about digital footprints

Via Tony Fish:

I am delighted to let everyone know about

my new book - which is free to read in bit format at

http://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/ or you can buy it in atom format from


My Digital Footprint - “where your privacy will be someone else's business!”

is a strategy and business book on identity, privacy, trust and the… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on April 9, 2010 at 9:50 — No Comments

Report from the Forum of Cultural Industries' counter-summit in Barcelona

-- Special thanks for the colaboration to Michel Bauwens, Jeremie Zimmermann, Ignasi Labastida, YProductions --

Thanks to all, the civil response to the summit of Ministers of Culture from the 27 European Union countries and their meeting with the Forum of Cultural Industries was a massive success.

The civil society succed to desactivate the lobbies discours.

Down below a report of the last struggle, but first the incredible amount of material has been produced over… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on April 8, 2010 at 7:08 — No Comments

Call for Papers: Dynamics of Knowledge Creation in Wikis, Tampere, Finland. September 6-8, 2010

Via Tere Vaden:

Call for papers (open until May 15., 2010):

Dynamics of Knowledge Creation in Wikis

A session in The 2nd International Power & Knowledge Conference, Tampere, Finland. September 6-8, 2010


The collective knowledge creation on various wiki-sites, including the massively popular Wikipedia, is having a profound effect on the social and epistemological conditions of… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on April 7, 2010 at 10:30 — No Comments

Networked learning in Africa and elsewhere

See http://www.dadamac.net/

Via Pameal McLean:

Dear Michel

You forwarded a CALL FOR PAPERS on networked learning to P2P, with "thanks for spreading this, and considering your contribution". I am therefore considering the relevance of what I know and replying bot directly to P2P and via an open letter to http://dadamac.posterous.com/

I think some of the things I know regarding… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on April 7, 2010 at 9:01 — No Comments

Collaborative textbook writing experiment in italian school

Textbooks cost at least 300 Euro per year per student in Italy. An italian high school has started an experiment which is the first or one of the first in Italy to solve this problem, by having its teachers produce alternative textbooks themselves. I have interviewed the principal, so you can read more details in that page. I'm signaling the article here because, as you can read in the article, the principal is inviting other italian schools to join… Continue

Added by Marco Fioretti on April 3, 2010 at 15:19 — No Comments

Peer-to-Peer Collaboration and Networked Learning, Special issue of E-Learning and Digital Media (CFP)


Peer-to-Peer Collaboration and Networked Learning

Editors of a Special Issue

Michael A. Peters, University of Illinois

Daniel Araya, University of Illinois

Developments in information and communications networks not only define globalization but are changing the format and density of the flows of knowledge, research and creativity. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks have become a particularly important factor in this process. Serving as platforms for… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on April 1, 2010 at 18:41 — No Comments

CFP: neighborhood science, urban knowledge networks using free software and hardware technologies and "Do it yourself" (DIY) and "Do it with others" (DIWO) methods.

Deadline: April 19, 2010

Dates of the workshop: June 7 - 23, 2010

Venue: Medialab-Prado in Madrid (Spain)

With the participation of: Platoniq, Douglas Repetto and the work group formed by Andrés Burbano, Alejandro Araque,

Alejandro Duque and Alejandro Tamayo.


Interactivos?'10 is a workshop which develops projects gathering and putting into action collaboration

and local urban knowledge networks using free software…

Added by Michel Bauwens on March 30, 2010 at 15:00 — No Comments

Seminario sui Beni Comuni: Venerdì 9 aprile 2010 - ore 11-17.30 - Camigliano (Lucca)

Invito al Seminario sui Beni Comuni - Officina delle Idee/rete@sinistra

Venerdì 9 aprile 2010 - ore 11-17.30 - Camigliano (Lucca)

Attorno ai beni comuni materiali e immateriali sta crescendo una nuova narrazione del mondo.

Sull'idea di beni comuni da anni studiosi (come Riccardo Petrella, Giovanna Ricoveri, Wolfgang Sachs, Tonino Perna, Bruno Amoroso, Gianni Taminio, per citarne alcuni) e movimenti (a partire da quelli per l'acqua pubblica, per la terra ai contadini,… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on March 29, 2010 at 14:31 — No Comments

ClearBits: hosting for open licensed media

About ClearBits

See: http://www.clearbits.net/about

ClearBits provides hosting and distribution for open licensed media.

We distribute high quality, open-licensed (Creative Commons) digital media, datasets, and artwork for Content Creators. We host creative content in its entirety, ensure fast, reliable downloads, and enable users to directly sponsor

Content Creators and their…


Added by Michel Bauwens on March 29, 2010 at 10:30 — No Comments

New book and open course: Economic aspects and business models of Free Software

Announcements of the Free Knowledge Institute

Dear all,

Below a new announcement from the FTA on the avilability of new books,

information on the upcoming courses and some first impressions.

Best regards,

Hinde ten Berge

Free Knowledge Institute

1. New course books available!

The Free Technology Academy is proud to announce the online publication

of a new set of course books that correspond to the upcoming modules… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on March 25, 2010 at 11:28 — No Comments

Herbologies/Foraging Networks, 26-28th March 2010, Helsinki, Finland

Via andrew gryf paterson:

Herbologies/Foraging Networks

26-28th March 2010, Helsinki, Finland, Pixelache Festival / Kiasma Seminar room, Kaisaniemi Botanic Gardens

The Herbologies/Foraging Networks programme of events, focused in Helsinki (Finland) and Kurzeme region of Latvia, explores the cultural traditions and knowledge of herbs, edible and medicinal plants, within the contemporary context of online networks, open information-sharing, biological and hydroponic… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on March 25, 2010 at 7:00 — No Comments

CFP: Co-creation of technology. Innovation by communities.

Via Mariana Salgado, Media Lab- Department of Media :

Dear Michel:

Please, spread this information within P2P research community and please consider your contribution to this special issue.



Co-creation of technology. Innovation by communities.

Editors: Susana Finquelievich and Mariana Salgado

In the last decades studies and experience have shown that users matter in regards to technological innovation. Books such… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on March 25, 2010 at 6:30 — No Comments

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