P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

All Blog Posts (767)

EFF asks: Please run Tor relays for worldwide free speech protection

EFF is about to roll out a campaign to encourage organizations and

individuals to run Tor relays.  For those of you that don't know, Tor is

software and a network of volunteers worldwide that help people be

anonymous online by masking IP addresses.  Individuals (like many bloggers

in authoritarian regimes) need the Tor network to communicate safely.

Unfortunately, the people who need Tor the most are often not in a

position to run Tor relays and contribute to the… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 27, 2011 at 7:18 — No Comments

El Impacto de Internet en la Industria Discográfica v2.1

The Impact of Internet in the Record Industry v2.1

(Doctoral Thesis, Cum Laude, 2005)

** In Spanish, with a Lot of References from/to English Written Online Publications and Conventional (exhaustive) Bibliography, in both Languages...

A Research about The Very First Steps of The Pe@ple… Continue

Added by Gonzalo San Gil, PhD. on May 23, 2011 at 21:00 — No Comments

Conference: The Commons as a Transformative Legal Paradigm (Turino, June 16-18)

Part of the:

17th General Meeting of the Common Core of European Private Law 2011

Since the crash of the markets in 2008 and overt failure of the Copenhagen summit, the inadequacy of state and market mechanisms to address the most pressing problems of our time has become increasingly apparent and alarming. The current moment, therefore, finds activists,…


Added by Michel Bauwens on May 23, 2011 at 15:30 — No Comments

Announcing the Birth of the School of Commoning! Open to All and Co-Learning Together

Dear P2P members and interested parties...


George Por, Anna Betz, myself and others have co-founded the School of Commoning as an online and offline forum for commons education based in London. We have established ourselves as a Community Interest Company under UK law. Our motto... Education for Commons Culture & Social Renewal. So what does that look like in our aims, vision, purpose, principles and what we can offer? Lets briefly explore together these essential…


Added by Mark Jagdev on May 22, 2011 at 11:00 — 1 Comment

Tweetometro, experimento participativo y técnico: la difusión y la votación sobre las propuestas de twitter # spanishrevolution


Tweetometro, experimento participativo y técnico: la difusión y la votación sobre las propuestas de twitter # spanishrevolution


via Platoniq <info@platoniq.net>

URL = http://www.platoniq.net/yeswecamp


Estamos montando un experimento participativo y técnico: se llama

Tweetometro. Es un intento de avanzar…


Added by Michel Bauwens on May 20, 2011 at 22:30 — No Comments

Sydney June 9: Peer-to-Peer as Ethics, Intersubjectivity, Spirituality and Social Change Project


Via Tim Mansfield:


Organized by the Sydney Evolver Spore in Australia, on June 9, 7 pm:


Added by Michel Bauwens on May 16, 2011 at 8:00 — No Comments

MobilityShifts: An International Future of Learning Summit, CFP

Via Trebor Scholz


MobilityShifts: An International Future of Learning Summit

Call for Workshops, Demonstrations, Panel Discussions and Short Talks


11:59pm (EST)


When: October 10-16, 2011

Where: The New School, New York City




Added by Michel Bauwens on May 14, 2011 at 22:32 — No Comments

Milan, May 17: Le dinamiche di produzione in rete, collaborative, aperte, decentralizzate, orizzontali

Via Alessandro Delfanti:


All'interno del corso in Sociologia dei nuovi media, Michel Bauwens della Peer-to-peer foundation terrà una lecture sulla diffusione del P2P... dappertutto.


Aula Alpha, Dipartimento di informatica e comunicazione, Università di Milano

via Comelico 39
Tuesday, May 17 ·…

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 14, 2011 at 18:39 — No Comments

Parution du livre "Libres Savoirs : les biens communs de la connaissance"

Via Hervé Le Crosnier <herve@cfeditions.com>


       C&F éditions a le plaisir de vous annoncer la

       parution du livre "Libres Savoirs, les biens communs

       de la connaissance".

       Ce livre coordonné par l'association Vecam veut offrir un

       panorama des biens communs de l'immatériel, depuis

       les usages numériques jusqu'aux… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 13, 2011 at 10:26 — No Comments

London, May 14: Governance in worker cooperatives, p2p networks, and commons

Via Mark Jagdev:


As you may have heard, Michel Bauwens, the founder of P2P Foundation will be taking part in a panel discussion at Re-rooting digital culture – media art ecologies unconference at the University of Westminster, London on Friday 13th May. 

In addition to that, Michel has gracefully accepted our invitation to start up an informal meetup…


Added by Michel Bauwens on May 10, 2011 at 21:45 — 1 Comment

Book: Critical Point of View, A Wikipedia Reader

Via Nate Tkacz , Homepage: www.nathanieltkacz.net


INC Reader #7

Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader

Geert Lovink and Nathaniel Tkacz (eds)

For millions of internet users around the globe, the search for new knowledge begins with Wikipedia. The encyclopedia’s rapid…

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 8, 2011 at 11:42 — No Comments

In Dublin, May 8: Everything Open and Free: A model for Hacking Everything

Everything Open and Free: A model for Hacking Everything

Sunday, May 8 · 12:30pm -…

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 5, 2011 at 11:40 — 1 Comment

Call for Papers: Digital Taylorism, Human Capital and the Knowledge Economy

Via Daniel Araya


Journal of Global Studies in Education

Digital Taylorism, Human Capital and the Knowledge Economy

Editors: Daniel Araya and Michael A. Peters

This issue of the…

Added by Michel Bauwens on May 5, 2011 at 11:37 — No Comments

Invitation for the Federated Social Web Conference in Europe , June 3-5, Berlin

Via elf Pavlik


I would like to invite you to join us for the upcoming Federated Social Web Europe Conference - June 3-5th in Berlin


And also consider joining W3C Federated Social Web incubator group (soon changing into community group)…


Added by Michel Bauwens on May 4, 2011 at 9:30 — No Comments

Michel Bauwens at Mindfield, Dublin, April 29 and 30

For general info on the festival see http://mindfield.ie/festival-schedule/

Summary of my schedule:'


Friday 29th

8:00 - 9:30pm

Panel Discussion "Remix : Culture Hacking" in the Ignition tent…


Added by Michel Bauwens on April 23, 2011 at 5:04 — No Comments

Remix : Culture Hacking Panel at Mindfield, Dublin, April 29th

Remix : Culture Hacking

The Remix is no longer solely the domain of the DJ. Culture is a

conversation and today in the Internet age more people than ever are

taking part contributing their own creative take on the sounds, images

and texts that shape our world. Cheap access to digital tools and

broadband means anyone can remix and publish online. Its become a part

of everyday life. But this emergent culture of sharing and remixing is

not without its… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on April 21, 2011 at 13:29 — No Comments

Goals of the ChokePoint Project

ChokePoint Project

This project is meant for people curious about transparency and control of the networking technologies, their use and abuse by nation states and corporations leading towards new tool sets being produced to distribute connectivity beyond traditional powers. Telephony and the Internet have had a huge impact on society,…


Added by Chris Pinchen on April 21, 2011 at 8:04 — No Comments

Saskia Sassen - "city civic movements in a global world" Today!

Saskia Sassen will be in Lisbon for an evening conference on 'city civic movements in a global world' at the presentation of the 'GLOBAL CITY 2.0' NETWORK (…

Added by Chris Pinchen on April 18, 2011 at 7:05 — No Comments

A conference on the pioneering Open Commons Region Linz experience

By Laurent Straskraba, who attented the conference:


A Report on the introduction event "Open Commons Region Linz", 11 April 2011 at the "Knowledge Tower Linz"


The event was opened by Councilwoman Eva Schobesberger (Green Party), who is also head of the VHS Knowledge Tower, where the event took place.…

Added by Michel Bauwens on April 16, 2011 at 8:30 — No Comments

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