P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

All Blog Posts (767)

New donation pool to raise funds for Ripple development

New donation pool to raise funds for Ripple development

A new donation pool has been created to raise funds for development of the Ripple project, with an initial contribution of $500.00. The final amount will be donated to the Ripple project to support the development of a standalone Ripple server to provide open decentralized payment through the Ripplepay site as well as other services using Ripple. All content created will be released under an open license.

Ripple is an… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 26, 2010 at 9:45 — No Comments

Stocky: kickstarting a collaborative stock photography site

If you want to support this project, go here at Kickstarter:


Via Harrison Weber:

"Lets forget about what we think of as a stock photography or stock design website. Lets create a new environment where creators can share things they’ve

done with other… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 26, 2010 at 6:52 — No Comments

'On The Money - a Vision Quest to the Heart of Local Money', a five day workshop for local currency designers in Findhorn from August 14-18, 2010

Via John Rogers:

Dear community currency supporter

We think you may be interested in a very special event this summer.

Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland is hosting 'On The Money - a Vision Quest to the Heart of Local Money', a five day workshop for local currency designers from August 14-18, 2010.…


Added by Michel Bauwens on June 24, 2010 at 9:21 — No Comments

Final program COMMUNIA 2010 Conference "University & Cyberspace" is now online

Via juan carlos de martin, on behalf of the Organizing Committee

See: http://www.communia2010.org/contact

I take the liberty of announcing that the final program of the COMMUNIA 2010 Conference

* "University & Cyberspace: Reshaping Knowledge Institutions for the Networked Age", Torino, 28-30 June 2010,

is now online:… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 24, 2010 at 3:12 — No Comments

Iceland Parliament unanimously passes Free Press Haven Law (IMMI)

On June 16th the Icelandic Parliament unanimously passed a proposal

tasking the government to intoduce a new legislative regime to protect

and strengthen modern freedom of expression, and the free flow of

information in Iceland and around the world. There is full government

support for the initiative and its objectives.

Birgitta Jonsdottir, the chief sponsor in parliament of the IMMI

proposal said: "Iceland will become the inverse of a tax haven; by

offering… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 21, 2010 at 4:18 — No Comments

Invitation for the Open Science Summit 2010, Berkeley July 29-31, 2010

You are invited to the following event:

Open Science Summit 2010


Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 4:00 PM

- to -…

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 19, 2010 at 2:39 — No Comments

CFP: Exploring Produsage: A Special Issue of New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia

Via Axel Bruns:

Dear colleague,

Apologies for the somewhat impersonal nature of this email.

You'll be aware of my work on the concept of produsage over the past few years, chiefly in the book Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life and Beyond: From Production to Produsage (New York: Peter Lang, 2008).

I am writing to you now to let you know about the second and final CFP for a special issue of the journal New Review of Hypermedia… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 16, 2010 at 15:00 — No Comments

Free Knowledge Institute / Free Technology Academy: Free Knowledge Institute about the Free Technology Academy

Via Wouter Tebbens:

From the Free Knowledge Institute about the Free Technology Academy

Permanent link: http://ftacademy.eu/announce/7 ;

FTA Announcement #7: "Study Programme 2011 published and registrations open"


The Free Technology Academy does not only continue after the initial

period supported by the EC's Lifelong… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 16, 2010 at 15:00 — No Comments

Support Wikileaks

Via Julian Assange:

WikiLeaks may be under attack.

You were generous enough to write to us, but we have not had the labor resources to respond.

Your support is important to us. Please read all of this email to understand what is going on. We apologize for not getting back to you before. It is not through any lack of interest on our part, but an enforced lack of resources.

One of our alleged sources, a young US intelligence analyst, Bradley Manning, has been… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 15, 2010 at 7:07 — No Comments

Ethical Economy Summer School, Amalphi Coast, Italy, 21-27 August, 2010.

Via Adam Arvidsson:

This is a first announcement of our upcoming Summer school on ‘Finance and Ethical Economy’ in Cava di Tirreni, on the Amalfi coast outside Naples- one of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean. …


Added by Michel Bauwens on June 15, 2010 at 5:36 — No Comments

World Commons Day on October 15, 2010

Via David Bollier:

The World Social Forum has announced plans to organize a World Commons Day on October 15, 2010. The idea is to encourage all sorts of social movements and organizations at different scales —

local, regional, national, international — to host events that provoke

reflection and visibility about the commons.

The idea had its origins in a manifesto,…


Added by Michel Bauwens on June 14, 2010 at 3:15 — No Comments

International Commons Conference, “Constructing a Commons-Based Policy Platform,” Berlin, Germany, on November 1 and 2, 2010

International Commons Conference

The International Commons Conference, “Constructing a Commons-Based Policy Platform,” will be held in Berlin, Germany, on November 1 and 2, 2010. The event, is being convened by

the Heinrich Böll Foundation, a publicly financed non-profit organization

affiliated with the German Greens, but working independently with various

partners through its 25 worldwide offices.

The conference seeks to…


Added by Michel Bauwens on June 14, 2010 at 3:02 — No Comments

First ever Social Startup Labs event in Vauxhall, South London

Via Mamading Ceesay:

On Tuesday June the 15th, London Creative Labs (founded by London

Leader Sofia Bustamante) will be running the first ever Social

Startup Labs in Vauxhall, South London. Participants will learn by

doing how the community can work together to create and grow social

businesses that provide or enable much needed employment opportunities

for all and make their neighbourhoods better places to live, work and play!

Thanks to sponsorship by the… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 9, 2010 at 13:43 — No Comments

Bitcoin: Open Source P2P eCash is here!

Via Aran, of Organic Design New Zealand:

More info via http://www.bitcoin.org/

Bitcoin is an open source peer-to-peer (a.k.a "p2p") electronic cash system that's completely decentralised, with no central server, trusted authorities or middle men. The availability of bitcoins can't be manipulated by governments or financial institutions. Bitcoin already has a number of exchanges for converting to and from other currencies; BitcoinFX, New… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 9, 2010 at 12:50 — No Comments

Third CopySouth Workshop - International Conference on Copyright Issues

Third CopySouth Workshop

International Conference on Copyright Issues

http://copysouth.org/portal/rio ● copysouth.rio2010@gmail.com

The CopySouth Research Group (CSRG) invites you to attend and join in

the debates at its three day

international conference on copyright to be held in Rio de Janeiro,

Brazil at the end of June.

It is an important moment to discuss these issues. Around the… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 6, 2010 at 22:55 — No Comments

Open Data, Open Society: a research project about openness of public data in EU local administrations

As some readers may already know, I regularly follow Open Government and Open Data issues. This month I have started working on a research contract for the Laboratory of Economics and Management (L.E.M.) of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, in the context of the Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (DIME)…


Added by Marco Fioretti on June 4, 2010 at 8:00 — No Comments

A letter to CGIAR in support of Open Access

Indian Open Access (OA) advocate Professor Subbiah Arunachalam (Arun) recently organised a letter to the top management of CGIAR — the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. The letter speaks of the… Continue

Added by Richard Poynder on June 3, 2010 at 9:11 — No Comments

Open Science Summit July 29-31 Berkeley

"This summer, scientists, hackers, students, patients, and activists

will convene to discuss the future of our science/technology paradigm.

Topics include:Synthetic Biology, Gene Patents, Open Data, Open Access, Microfinance

for Science, DIY science, DIY Biology, Alternative Funding for Science,

Open Source Drugs, Patent Pools, Open Health/Medicine, Patient Advocacy for Innovation

Ready for a rapid, radical reboot of the global innovation system for a…


Added by Joseph P Jackson III on June 3, 2010 at 4:47 — No Comments

Art, social movements, and the art of collaboration, request for assistance

A request from Yveltte Dubel:

Can you look at the following and let me know if this is something you think might have interest to P2P members?


As the Cultural Fusion art series has progressed it needs a virtual hub consistent with our vision. This hub will act as a virtual portal for various real world locations that will be synchronized or not. I have a concept and need some specific… Continue

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 2, 2010 at 2:42 — No Comments

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