P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

June 2012 Blog Posts (16)

Appel pour produire des biens communs immatériels

via Bastien Sibille:

Nous attirons l'attention de toutes les forces d'économie sociale et solidaire sur l'enjeu considérable que constitue, pour le secteur, la production de biens communs immatériels. De Firefox, logiciel libre, à Wikipedia, encyclopédie ouverte, en passant par Open Street Map, outil de cartographie collaborative, les biens communs immatériels proposent des modèles productifs efficients, oeuvrant pour l'intérêt général et porteur d'émancipation…

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 29, 2012 at 7:06 — No Comments

Towards a new free currency based on Bitcoin: Freicoin

An important experiment, that deserves funding support:

<iframe src="http://www.indiegogo.com/project/135979/widget" width="224px" height="429px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 28, 2012 at 7:10 — No Comments

P2P Foundation will assist network weaving efforts in Brazil

We have ambitious and optimistic plans to do a comprehensive mapping of the p2p initiatives in Brazil, with a network of friends and supporters. References below are to Rio de Janeiro and my recent stay there.


Here's a message from Vinicius Braz Rocha:

Conectadíssimos parceiros & amigos =)

Connected partners & friends =)

Agradeço imensamente a excepcional acolhida proporcionada para o Michel Bauwens durante sua estada nesta…


Added by Michel Bauwens on June 26, 2012 at 13:43 — No Comments

New book: People Money - the Promise of Regional Currencies

Via  John Rogers 

'People Money - the Promise of Regional Currencies' 

tells the stories of 
14 leading local currency systems from around the world. It is a refreshing dose of positive good news and sanity in a time that is dominated by news of financial crisis and breakdown. The alternatives are real and are happening now. You can help them to…

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 24, 2012 at 12:30 — No Comments

What is at stake in Rio+20 and what are the alternatives?

Via Maxime Combes:

For your information, here is a 16-minute video fully subtitled in English (thanks to Nicola Bullard) with interviews of Pablo Solon, Edagardo Lander, Yvonne Yanez, Silvia Ribeiro, Tony Clarke, Nnimmo Bassey, Anabella Rosemberg. 

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 11, 2012 at 5:42 — No Comments

Occupy London calls for Creating Alternatives around the commons

Via the School of Commoning newsletter:

Occupy calls for Creating Alternatives

Occupy London has moved into a new phase and is focusing on workin g for alternatives to the present system. It will hold a series of General Assemblies exploring the themes of community, commons…


Added by Michel Bauwens on June 10, 2012 at 7:04 — No Comments

Launch of massive encyclopedia on social change driven by Indignados and Occupy movement

Via Bernardo Gutierrez:

15M.cc is up and running



On 15 May 2011 massive spontaneous protests across Spain signalled the birth of a movement which was dubbed 15M, after the date, and was also known as the Spanish Revolution. The “indignados” (the indignant) were fed up with soaring unemployment, the ongoing recession and a political system perceived as unrepresentative and corrupt. A…


Added by Michel Bauwens on June 9, 2012 at 5:00 — No Comments

Creation of a Faculty of Transition Studies in Mexico City

Via Paul Cockshott:

WARP - call for participation by progressive political   economists

 The week before last I was at the conferences of  the World Association for Political Economy and the World Advanced Research Project both in Mexico City.

The bulk of the conference participants were from Asia and Latin America, with a huge participation by Chinese Political Economists. Some of the Chinese Political Economists seem convinced that the capitalist…


Added by Michel Bauwens on June 8, 2012 at 9:33 — No Comments

Evolver Anthology: Occupy Consciousness: Essays on the Global Insurrection

Via Daniel Pinchbeck

The Evolver Social Movement just released a free e-book anthology that brings together a variety of perspectives on Occupy, offering a

multi-dimensional approach to the ongoing insurrection. At a time when the initial energy around Occupy has flagged in some areas, we believe this anthology is a powerful tool as it explores not just the politics but also the subtler dimensions of the movement, which is more about process than protest.…


Added by Michel Bauwens on June 8, 2012 at 9:26 — No Comments

The Appeal and Forum at the EP: “Another Road for Europe”

Europe is in crisis because it has been hijacked by neoliberalism and finance. In the last twenty years - with a persistent democratic deficit - the meaning of the European Union has increasingly been reduced to a narrow view of the single market and the single currency, leading to liberalisations and speculative bubbles, loss of rights and the explosion of inequalities.

This is not the Europe that was imagined decades ago as a space…


Added by Örsan Şenalp on June 6, 2012 at 10:13 — No Comments

Culture is crucially important as fourth pillar of sustainability for Rio+20

Background on the Unconference on Culture and Sustainability in the Rio+20, organized by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture.

Here is the invitation to attend:


Via Jose Murilo:

More at…


Added by Michel Bauwens on June 6, 2012 at 7:15 — No Comments

Layne Hartsell with Michel Bauwens

In this powerful interview published on June 2 2012 on YouTube, Michel Bauwens explains in an nutshell his main ideas on P2P, its impact on society and the opportunity it offers to create a sustainable world.




Added by Jean Lievens on June 5, 2012 at 6:30 — No Comments

Getting the Commons on the Rio+20 agenda: your votes are needed!

Via George Por:

"Just got this message from from Helene Finidori, a new colleague in SoC. Please share it your circles.

Hello Commoners!

Here is a recommendation on the commons that I submitted on behalf of the Commons Action at the UN that could be presented for adoption to governments at the Rio Summit (or rather to put the commons on the radar). I have been advised by one of the panel members (who likes the commons as an overarching action concept)…


Added by Michel Bauwens on June 2, 2012 at 9:25 — No Comments

Michael Albert and friends launch International Organization for a Participatory Society

Michael Albert writes:


I, along with many others, have been working quite hard to try to build a new project called International Organization for a Participatory Society - or for Participatory Socialism, or IOPS, (the final choice between Society or Socialism, to be made later, at a founding convention). So far, in two months, there are a bit over 1800 members from 80 countries. This has been achieved despite the fact that to my knowledge not a single left media…

Added by Michel Bauwens on June 1, 2012 at 13:37 — No Comments

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