P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Michael Albert and friends launch International Organization for a Participatory Society

Michael Albert writes:


I, along with many others, have been working quite hard to try to build a new project called International Organization for a Participatory Society - or for Participatory Socialism, or IOPS, (the final choice between Society or Socialism, to be made later, at a founding convention). So far, in two months, there are a bit over 1800 members from 80 countries. This has been achieved despite the fact that to my knowledge not a single left media outlet other than Z has given the effort any serious attention, or actually, overwhelmingly, even any attention at all. Of course that holds for more mainstream outlets, as well.
The site for IOPS is at: http://www.iopsociety.org/
If you take some time to visit that, you can read about the history to date - its conception, etc. - and read, as well, and most importantly, the mission, vision, and structural/programmatic commitments IOPS embraces. You can also see the early online discussions among members, projects that are being established, etc. 
Some of you have undoubtedly already joined IOPS - most, however, have not. There is a q/a, as well as the above mentioned material on vision, structure, etc., which addresses concerns blocking joining. That may be worth a look as well, especially if you are hesitant. 
I and other members are profoundly serious and intent about all this. We believe IOPS sets out a shared political stance and a viable approach to eventual founding and subsequent growth of an international organization that is a federation of national organizations that are, in turn, federations of local organizations, with all of it very closely consistent with the kinds of views you all have, over the years, advocated and pursued. 
We in IOPS hope you will visit and assess IOPS for yourself. We hope you will then join - of course - but, if not, that you will take just a few minutes to convey why, by return mail, so that we might assess your concern and try to make changes that will reflect your insights. To not join because you disagree with various defining features is one thing. To not join without looking - that is another thing, entirely.
I am writing this note myself, to my email contacts, but below I also list other members of the International Consultative Committee (you can read about that group on the site)... 
My apologies if you get redundant messages from many directions. 
And - if you are already in IOPS - perhaps you could undertake to write a letter like this one, of your own, to folks in your address book...
Hoping to hear back soon,
Michael Albert
The ICC:
Ezequiel Adamovsky - Argen
M Adams - US
Michael Albert  - US
Stanley Aronowitz - US
Elaine Bernard - US/Can
Patrick Bond - S. Africa
Jason Chrysostomou - UK
Noam Chomsky - US
John Cronan - US
Ben Dangl - US
Denitsa Dimitrova - UK/Bul
Mark Evans - UK
Maya Evans - UK
Ann Ferguson - US
Bill Fletcher - US
Justin George - Aus
Eva Gollinger - Venezuela
David Graeber - U.S.

Andrej Gubacic - US/Balkans
David Harvey - US
Bruno Jantti - Fin
Antti Jauhiainen - Fin
Ria Julien - Trinidad/US
Pat Korte - US
Yoann Le Guen - Wales
Mandisi Majavu - S. Africa
Yotam Marom - US
David Marty - Spain
Trever Ngwane - S Africa
Pablo Ortellado - Brazil
Harpreet Paul - UK
Cynthia Peters  - US
John Pilger - UK
Justin Podur - Canada
Vijay Prashad - US
Milan Rai - UK

Khalida Ramyar - Can/Afghan
Nikos Raptis - Greece
Paulo Rodriguez - Belgium
Charlotte Sáenz - Mexico
Anders Sandstrom - Swe
Boaventua Santos - Port
Lydia Sargent  - US
Steve Shalom  - US
Uruj Sheikh - US
Chris Spannos - US
Paul Street - US
Verena Stressing - France/Ger.
Emma Tarver - US
Fernando Vegas - Ven
Marie Trigona - Argen
Chico Whitacker- Brazil
Gregory Wilpert   - US
Florian Zollmann - UK/Ger

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