A friend suggest I should look at this
web page where a student is doing a study on women in the Open Source movement. She is runing a
survey and posting results, is there a women here willing to take the survey? I find interesting to take a look at a strongly male endevour as this one seen through the eyes of women and I wonder how do these women find their role in this…
Added by carobotero on February 25, 2009 at 22:37 —
1 Comment
Via Wouter Tebbens:
Dear all,
as some of you know we are very much concerned about the European Commission using and requiring the use of proprietary document formats within their projects.
Many EU Member States have in recent years adopted government policies to require Open Standard file formats, such as the Open Document Format (ODF), PDF, etc. And in fact, the EC agency for interoperability and eGovernment, IDABC, does strongly recommend the use of ODF and…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 24, 2009 at 13:37 —
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Via Alex Prichard:
Full conference details: http://www.anarchist-studies-network.org.uk/IsBlackAndRedDead
/*Is Black and Red Dead?*/
7th - 8th September, 2009
An academic conference organized and supported by the PSA Anarchist Studies Network, the PSA Marxism Specialist Group, /Anarchist Studies/, /Capital & Class/, /Critique-Journal of Socialist Theory/, /Historical Materialism/ and /Studies in Marxism/.
Hosted By: The Centre for the…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 24, 2009 at 11:57 —
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I am wondering how powerful Internet you, people, have that is enough for working in P2P system? We've got dial-up in the Ukrainian mountains. And it's disgusting for more active projects, you know.
Actually no idea how to improve our ECOMIND shelter situation, in Ukrainian conditions.
Added by Natasha on February 23, 2009 at 15:41 —
Via John La Grou and http://www.millenniamediagroup.com/foundation/ppm.php :
Dear friends,
They seem to be very low key about it, but in any case, I'm happy to receive it and since this is in many ways a collective endeavour, it's an award for all of us, the many contributors who have 'peer produced' through contributions and dialogue, the material at the P2P Foundation and its attempt to foster a new phase in human civilisation, based on open and free, participatory, and…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 21, 2009 at 3:11 —
1 Comment
Via Kevin Werbach:
Change is in the air. The past year demonstrated the promise and the peril of our densely connected world. Old policies and practices break down when individuals self-organize into movements, data flows openly across boundaries, consumers become creators, and shocks cascade through the system. In business as in politics, new strategies are essential.
Come to Supernova 2009, December 1-3 in San Francisco, CA, to become an agent of change, rather than a…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 20, 2009 at 3:23 —
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Via Jessica Coates, Creative Commons Clinic
email: j2.coates@qut.edu.au
Please circulate this notice far and wide.
*Open Video Conference: call for proposals*
*** Submission deadline: March 19 ***
We are now accepting proposals for panels, workshop sessions, demo sessions,
and other programming for the inaugural Open Video Conference in New York.
Join us and over 400…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 20, 2009 at 2:55 —
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Via Wouter Tebbens:
Free Technology Academy set up as distance learning campus
A Consortium formed by three universities and led by the Free Knowledge
Institute (FKI) has received the support from the EC's Lifelong Learning
Programme to offer an international educational programme on Free
Following the Open Educational Resources movement, all
learning… Continue
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 19, 2009 at 9:00 —
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The Creative Commons is full of potential for artists everywhere – so why is most of it untapped?
an article I wrote on this topic, and on how CC and similar "Free-as-in-Freedom-Knowledge" initiatives are lived outside the western countries, is now fully readable online. Please visit the related
LXF forum thread to download the full text and add your…
Added by Marco Fioretti on February 19, 2009 at 5:21 —
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via Jonathan Gray:
~~ Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) 2009 ~~
* where: Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UCL, London, UK
* when: 28th March 2009, 1030-1830
* home:
* programme:
* register:
* call for proposals:
* last year:
The Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) is back for its fourth installment
bringing together individuals and groups from across the open knowledge
spectrum for a day of talks, discussions and…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 19, 2009 at 2:04 —
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I strongly recommend you take a look at the report mentioned here:
It's full of wonderful examples of participatory news production by public broadcasters and public advocacy organisations.
Via the Center for Social Media:
Tomorrow's Public Media Will Be Bigger, Better, And Different From Public Broadcasting
AU's Center for Social Media Releases New Report on "Public Media…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 18, 2009 at 10:00 —
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Please do join us at this most important gathering in Manchester on March 27 to 29th.
Below is the text of the official invitation.
Free Software and Beyond. The World of Peer Production. 4th Oekonux Conference
URL = http://www.oekonux-conference.org/
(organized by Oekonux in cooperation with the P2P Foundation - The 4th Oekonux Conference will be held on March 27th-29th, 2009 at Manchester University…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 18, 2009 at 2:25 —
1 Comment
La Quadrature du Net - For immediate release
Permanent link:
Who wants Net Discrimination in Europe?
** Paris, Feb.16th. Amendments in the European Parliament to the
"Telecoms Package"[1] may allow operators to take control of their
customer's usage of the Net. According to amendments pushed by AT&T,
"network management practices" could be used to…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 17, 2009 at 2:08 —
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Message from Ulrike Reinhard
Please note the overview article: http://www.we-magazine.net/we-volume-02/the-emergence-of-open-design-and-open-manufacturing/
hi all,
here we go - we-magazine vol. 02 is launched!!
you can download the PDF file here, a printed version will
be send to you next week via lulu.com.
for this we would need your adresses ....…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 14, 2009 at 8:13 —
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Let me debut here at P2P Foundation with an issue that has kept my thoughts during the last few days, please forgive my grammar, I promise I can write in spanish much, much better!, just hope you can follow the idea.
Few years ago
I wrote my first… Continue
Added by carobotero on February 12, 2009 at 11:26 —
1 Comment
I've asked Joseph to remove this ASAP as it has obviously no place in our forum,
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 10, 2009 at 4:40 —
May I point out one of my essays here"
It's entitled "The (Needed) New Economics of Abundance"
Added by Steve Burgess on February 3, 2009 at 20:59 —
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An appeal from Swedish parliamentary candidate Erik Josefsson
if you are European and are concerned with network neutrality, please consider co-signing http://www.co-ment.net/text/711/
Erik writes:
The "telecoms package" is a bundle of directives that regulates the
Internet and the Telecoms market in Europe. I think the original purpose
of the project was good, but it has been highjacked by special interests
who are very…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 1, 2009 at 13:18 —
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Hacking the Way to Heaven, by Julian Fox is now available for purchase through Lulu.
see http://www.lulu.com/content/5912363
with my blurb:
"The Catholic Church is sometimes called the oldest hierarchical organisation in continuous existence, but it always also been the mother of many participatory social movements, reflecting the liberatory and emancipatory potential of the Christian message. What is interesting is how the Church and the egalitarian…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 1, 2009 at 12:39 —
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