P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Josef Davies-Coates
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  • Alberto D'Ottavi
  • Pamela McLean
  • Arthur Brock
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  • Fernanda Ibarra
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  • Fabio Barone
  • Sofia Bustamante
  • Tom Crowl
  • Cascadia Commons
  • George Pór
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Tim Barrable and Josef Davies-Coates are now friends
Oct 27

Profile Information

About Me:
I'm the founder of United Diversity http://uniteddiversity.com and a co-founder of The Open Co-op http://open.coop

My focus is on creating p2p land, money and media systems.

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Comment Wall (37 comments)

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At 4:24pm on November 23, 2009, Tia Carr Williams gave Josef Davies-Coates a gift
Thankyou Josef.
At 8:56 on March 29, 2009, Dmytri Kleiner said…
Hi Joseph, yes, I've heard of RebTel, they have 10s of millions in venture capital to provide a similar service to what dialstation provides, but, of course, what is notable about dialstation is it's ownership model, we always knew and said we would have better funded competition, doesn't matter much to us, in the same way that the existence of factory farmed eggs is not competition to co-op produced organic free range eggs. We believe in the long term viability of our collective/free model, whatever our short term disadvantages. Cheers.
At 21:32 on March 28, 2009, Valérie Dagrain said…
Hi Josef Davies-Coates! tell me more about your skill. Don't hesitate to contact me if you come in France. br
At 15:35 on October 3, 2008, Michel Bauwens said…
I'm going to the oekonux conference in manchester, give me a concrete date, so I can check the google calendar,

At 3:25 on August 4, 2008, Tony Smith said…
Josef, despite being one of the first few people who "designed the graphical internet" independently in the decade before it became technically deliverable, I have only established placeholder accounts in most of the social networking bubbles. My very few "friends" are people I knew well long before getting into those places. None of that means I'm not interested in relevant conversation and my interests are even wider than those revealed in my memes page or my blog preplacement TransForum.
At 19:24 on July 31, 2008, ernie yacub said…
not much happening there, seems the mexico convergers scattered and faded away - check what these people are actually doing with community way in portland... http://communityprosper.org
soon coming to vancouver just in time for the olympics.
At 16:04 on July 29, 2008, Joseph P Jackson III said…
thanks for the welcome, feel free to check out freedomofscience.org and see what you think.
At 3:37 on July 29, 2008, Sohail Inayatullah said…
thanks ...there are about 5 of us teaching-learning via prout college ...all just beginning ...teaching-learning on-line was a bit of challenge though we did try every way to enrich it ...
At 16:15 on June 4, 2008, Arun said…
Hello friends,
I have created "SAVE THE HIMALAYAS" a social group on ning.

If you love the mountains, please do join in. Much is happening in the Himalayas that is slowly destroying its fragile ecosystem.

We have much stake in these mountains; these awesome beauties protect us, ensure our survival.

The ning forum is for concerned individuals, writers, thinkers, influencers and faciliatators. The added attraction I am offering is rural tourism. Should any one of you wish to spend some time in remote Himalayan village with local people and share their food, culture, way of life, I promise you I'll arrange it free of cost, at my leisure, put you directly in touch with folks up there.

We are also creating another discussion forum, as a sort of integrative forum for diverse groups of activists fighting the corporations in their respective local areas.

Will keep you all posted on our activities.
Best regards
At 21:05 on April 20, 2008, Lawrence (or Larry) Taub said…
Hi Josef,

Thanks for the welcome. When I get a chance, I will send a photo and some more details in the profile.




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