P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Stefan Meretz
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  • Josef Davies-Coates

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About Me:
I am doing critical studies on computer sciences. I am supporting the Oekonux network and I am blogging on keimform.de (mostly german).
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Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 17:34 on October 27, 2024, Ronald Morris said…

Good day,
I am RonaId Morris, I saw your profile and I decided to contact you immediately. Can you get back to me on my email (ronmorri01@gmail.com) for full details.

At 20:28 on March 3, 2008, Stephen Joyce said…
Hi Stefan I’ve just joined P2P and am passionate about our species’ ability to develop it’s collaborative intelligence. If we are to turn the planet around we need the participation of just about everyone – we need a very special ‘Yahu’ (http://gettingclevertogether.com/cooperation/yahu-for-collaborative-intelligence/)
…anyway would like to have you connect to me as a friend on this network and love to make connections for others when I know enough about them to know who to introduce them to. I hope I can do that for you in the future.

Kind regards

Steve J
At 15:27 on February 20, 2008, Stefan Meretz said…
No, Josef, this quote is from StefanMn (me is StefanMz). However, I would agree with not pushing this topic. From my point of view there are many reasons. The two most important are: First, free software has by its core logic nothing to do with money (or economic value) logic. Second, there are dangerous anti-semitic connotations with Gesellian approaches (reduction to critique of interest). Thus I would like to avoid to have this on an oekonux conference, there are lots of other possibilities for LETS etc.
At 14:33 on February 20, 2008, Josef Davies-Coates said…
Hi Stefan,

Is this you (Stefan Merten is v similar to Stefan Meretz):

"However, I had one concern about those money trickery topics like LETS, Gesellian stuff and so on. While Michel sees this as not so problematic I consider this a taboo for an Oekonux conference. He agreed on not pushing this topic which is fine with me."

If so, I'd be very interested as to why you consider this a taboo for an Oekonux conference?


At 12:21 on February 20, 2008, Josef Davies-Coates said…
Hi Stefan, thanks for joining! :)

Maybe meet you at Oekenux 4 next year! :)



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