Michael Riversong

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About Me:
Harpist, Documentarian, Teacher, among other things. In short, a Bard. Alternate between working locally and traveling around. Have been involved deeply with Tesla related technologies since 1984. Founder of Tesla Academy.
How did you come across this network?
Invited by Sepp Hasselberger

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  • Stephen Joyce

    my god Michael I'm shocked to hear that Alberta has more political awareness - it feels like a throwback to the stone age here - pretty poor strategic vision of a sustainable society here right now- if you ever plan to pass through again - please let me make you lunch! we're 2 mins from the highway - promise to not make you sick ;-)

  • Michael Riversong

    It's always interesting how views from outsiders can be so different. It's nearly impossible to discuss politics with most people here. Most seem to understand politicians as celebrities, and thus manage to miss many important relationships.
    Meanwhile, i'm hoping to find people interested in learning how to research Tesla-related technologies in several target areas. One of those targets is the Calgary - Edmonton corridor. Individuals or companies can put together classes. Ideally, i just want to show up and teach!
    Incidentally, do you happen to know of a Calgary based inventor named Mark Benza? He was active into the mid-1990s and then seems to have completely disappeared.
  • Rozjael Young

    Hi Michael,You were inquiring about Mark Benza of Calgary .Sorry to say
    that he is no longer with us.