P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

via Andrew Paterson:

Pixelache Helsinki welcomes participants to join in the four day
trans-disciplinary festival during 16th -19th May 2013. This year the festival will take place as a dual-city event in both Helsinki (Finland) and Tallinn-Naissaar (Estonia), including a ferry journey between both cities.


The overall festival theme is entitled 'Facing North - Facing South'. With this theme, Pixelache expands it?s on-going 'Signals from the South' programme, that has focused on presenting media, art and technology projects from Africa, South America and Asia since 2009. It explores further the relationships between South and North, looking at these notions from various perspectives, including geo-political, cultural, economical, both on global, regional and local level.


The Helsinki section of the festival organised around the Suvilahti area (16.-17.May) consists of several events, including presentations, workshops and guest-curated programme by trans-national Bricolabs Network . Members of Bricolabs will be present from various European as well as Latin American countries and many others, from Pakistan, Mexico, Indonesia etc will participate in discussions during the conference planned for 17th May on the theory and practice of networks. A process orientated and open approach to creating (making) will be conveyed through ?brico-things? an exhibition (collaboratively curated) opening on the evening of 15th May.
Workshops & Demos on 16th May will offer opportunities to learn, discussand share ideas on digital fabrication & plastic recycling, open source tools for festivals and more!


The Tallinn-side of the festival (18.-19. May) will be based on previous
unconference/bar camp-style experiments in recent years called 'Camp
Pixelache'. The main venue for this 'camp' part will be a small
nature-reserve island near to Tallinn called Naissaar. The infrastructure
on the island allows for about 100 people to participate. We are still
calling out for presentations and workshops proposals for Camp Pixelache.


Three keynote speakers have also been invited to give presentations in
three different festival locations: Escher Tsai, Master of Art History of
National Taiwan University of Art, devoted into digital art research,
promotion and creation will present in Helsinki on 16.5 at the Finnish
Academy of Fine Arts. Spatial Intelligence Unit's and Kristi Gri?akov's
keynote is the first public Tallinn-Helsinki twin city presentation and
discussion to be held on a common ground, an in-between place ? the ferry
between the two cities on 17.5. On Naissaar, rumoured to be ?Terra
Feminarum? (the island?s Estonian name literally translates as ?island of
women?), Mary Mellor, Social Science Professor at Northumbria University,
Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) will address issues of alternative, green and
feminist economics.


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