Some Open Access (OA) advocates shocked by the shooting at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) may not be aware of the OA link to the story: The last paper authored by Amy Bishop — the researcher charged with killing three of her colleagues – was published in the
International Journal of General Medicine, an OA journal published by New Zealand-based OA publisher Dove Medical Press. Since Bishop cited three of her teenage daughters as co-authors…
Added by Richard Poynder on February 27, 2010 at 2:03 —
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Valerie Dagrain <>Date: 2010/2/26
Subject: peer production (pour info)/ Breizh Entropy Congress april 15-17 2010 Rennes, France ; cfp to forward
To: Michel Bauwens <>
April 15-17 2010, Rennes, France
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 26, 2010 at 0:54 —
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Via: Neal Gorenflo
I've started a Flickr group call Sharing Illustrated to create a pool of Creative Commons images, photos, and videos that anyone can use to talk about sharing, peer-to-peer production,
alternative economy, and the commons. The idea is to empower
communicators of all stripes with high quality images about sharing.
You're invited to join the group and share your images. It's really easy. First,…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 24, 2010 at 11:25 —
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Via Erling Berge and Frank van Laerhoven
New Issue Announcement : Volume 4, Issue 1| June 2010
Editors-in-Chief Frank van Laerhoven and Erling Berge are pleased to
announce the publication of Volume 4, Issue 1 (2010) of the International
Journal of the Commons.
We invite you to visit our website at:…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 24, 2010 at 8:32 —
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Via Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado:
Hi there,
First of all, we would like to thank you indeed for your hard work
promoting the Commons and P2P forms of production and organisation. We
are the group behind and we would like to give some
diffusion to some of our P2P initiatives. We believe that the P2P
Foundation Wiki is the appropriate forum to do so.
In the first place, we launched an organic seed bank where we would like
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 23, 2010 at 17:56 —
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Via Laurence Cox:
Interface ? A Journal For and About
Social Movements… Continue
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 23, 2010 at 7:57 —
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Came across a mathematical equation in 1976 that suggests the possibility of a coordinated bartering and sharing network that could supplant nation states and corporations as the chief governing experiments on the planet.
Our small all volunteer team is now most seriously considering using Clojure to make the initial experiment. It will be a scaled anonymity P2P VPN that is essentially chained conferences, the demographics of which are patterned to provide comprehensive coverage of…
Added by Tom Loeber on February 19, 2010 at 5:01 —
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Via Suresh Fernando:
is developing infrastructure and processes to support its larger
mission of Connecting Projects To Solve Massive Social Problems. In
service of this larger end, we are developing the
Ecosystem Pooled Fund initiative,
the objective of which is to develop a model to provide financing…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 18, 2010 at 8:04 —
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06 September 2010 — 10 September 2010 European Science Foundation
Conference on Paying Attention: Digital Media Cultures and… Continue
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 17, 2010 at 14:30 —
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Via Ralph Morelli:
We invite you to attend the 2nd annual HFOSS Symposium (HFOSS 2010… Continue
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 17, 2010 at 7:37 —
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In their efforts to derail the onward march of Open Access (OA) opponents have conjured up a number of bogeymen about Open Access publishing. First, they maintain, asking authors to pay to publish could turn scholarly publishing into a vanity press.Second, they say, OA publishing will in any case inevitably lead to lax or… Continue
Added by Richard Poynder on February 14, 2010 at 3:25 —
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On 14th January the Christian Democratic Union and its Union partner in the German government the Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CDU/CSU) proposed setting up an Enquete Commission to examine the implications of the Internet on society. Amongst other things, the Commission will be asked to look at initiatives for providing free access to publicly-funded research. Could this announcement be connected with the e-petition in support of Open Access (OA) launched in Germany last November? Does it…
Added by Richard Poynder on February 7, 2010 at 20:22 —
Via Enric Senabre Hidalgo :
Dear friends,
We would like to request for your participation in the Second International Conference on Economic Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity,…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 6, 2010 at 15:52 —
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Derek Elley of Ponoko send us the following announcement and adds why it is important:
- US creators (like ESTY and Adobe users) can ship their products to EU customers at 85% less cost, and with less environmental impact.
- Shipping costs between the US and EU are reduced from $60 to $9 for for smaller goods.
- A new global distribution network for goods is increasingly taking shape - you now ship designs for local production.
Our online…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 5, 2010 at 10:30 —
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Johanna Niesyto,
Critical Point of View: Second international conference of the CPOV Wikipedia Research Initiative
Date: 26-27 March 2010
Location: OBA (Public Library Amsterdam, next to…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 5, 2010 at 10:04 —
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Sourceforge are seeking volunteers to help perform site testing from around the
globe. At present, we need testers in Asia (East and Southeast), Africa,
South America, Australia, and Antarctica (seriously).
You can learn about the Beacon tool we use at
If you can help us out, we'll give you $10 via PayPal monthly for up to six…
Added by Kevin Chilton on February 4, 2010 at 13:09 —
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Via the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 7 January 2010
The issue of land ownership in Bolivia is a long-standing source of
conflict and division. Over the past few years however, the situation
has been changing for the better largely because of the determination of
the indigenous peoples themselves who have enlisted the latest
technology to help them overcome the bureaucratic obstacles that have
prevented land transfers from taking…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 2, 2010 at 6:46 —
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Hi, This is James Jones,
I am currently developing an Open Source hardware project, called "CubeSpawn" to build small, light duty manufacturing equipment to help individuals make things locally. To get the project funded I have applied to a Pepsi sponsored Grant program.
All you need to do to support the idea, is vote for it to get it into the top ten listings To vote, go here:…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 2, 2010 at 4:59 —
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Transformative Inquiry: An Integral Approach: Ritsumekian University publishes anthology on Jorge Ferrer’s integral pedagogy.
EWP chair Jorge Ferrer’s participatory integral pedagogy is the focus of Transformative Inquiry: An Integral Approach (Kyoto, Japan: Institute of Human Sciences, 2010), an anthology of writings coedited by Prof. Yoshiharu Nakagawa and Yoshiko Matsuda based on Ferrer’s recent visit to Ritsumekian University, Kyoto. The anthology includes the Japanese…
Added by Michel Bauwens on February 1, 2010 at 2:50 —
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