
Profile Information:

About Me:
I am an accredited management consultant. Run a research and consulting organization from Delhi. I also write on issues that affect out survival options.
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A friend sent the URL.

Comment Wall:

  • Josef Davies-Coates

    Hi Arun, thanks for joining! :)
  • Josef Davies-Coates

    PS one of my favourite resaurants is in Delhi :)

    Hundred year old place called Kareems (or similar), near the Jama Masjid, do you know it?
  • Arun

    Friends on P2P
    Among other things that we do, we have a movement on to 'Save the Himalayas' and another to 'Save the Seeds'. Both are grassroot movements. Any one interested to know more, please let me know. Best regards
  • Sepp Hasslberger

    It is great to see you here Arun,

    a pleasant surprise.

    Cheers - Sepp
  • Sepp Hasslberger

    Hi Arun,

    just started reading your article on sustainable development and it occurs to me that you would perhaps resonate with the discussions in another, similar group that is established specially for the purpose of working out alternatives to our monetary system that do not have the drawbacks of the current one such as forcing continuous growth.

    See Open Money

    Also, an interesting character in that group is David Braden and you should check out his introduction to Three Dimensional Networking.

  • Arun

    Hello Sepp,
    This is my first attempt to explore the relationship between Energy use, climate change and issues of sustainability, food and nutrition security and Gandhi's political philosophy of 'Village self-government'. Each village more or less self-sufficient as we were 100 years ago. When that sort of solution is proposed, a new monetary system, perhaps gold based, will be required.
    I remember that till about 1960s many women saved in gold. Investment in FD, securities, etc are a recent phenomenon. Also, there some communities in the Himalayas that save certain types of food grain as an insurance against crop collapse.
  • Stephen Joyce

    Hi Arun I’ve just joined P2P and am passionate about our species’ ability to develop it’s collaborative intelligence. If we are to turn the planet around we need the participation of just about everyone – we need a very special ‘Yahu’ (
    …anyway would like to have you connect to me as a friend on this network and love to make connections for others when I know enough about them to know who to introduce them to. I hope I can do that for you in the future.

    Kind regards

    Steve J
  • Arun

    Hello Steve,
    Good to meet you. I am sorry I wrote to Sepp that I don't know you. Now I know a bit.
    Yep, our specie is the most aggressive exploiter of natural resources. However, I believe that many are making too much money on that issue alone and I bet they don't give a damn how much they use up.
    I am still struggling to get to grips with miles of data and tons of writing from Gurus. Not satisfied at all with the interpretations. Something crucial is missing.
    I am sure all of us can do our bit to figure out some way of making sense of what is going on. It is challenge as well as a great jigsaw puzzle, worth sorting out.
    Sepp is a good friend, very tolerant of my wayward ways of saying things. I hope you wouldn't mind either.
    Best regards