P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

We need to raise $500 to save our Ning presence!

Hi all,

Please help us to raise $500 in 5 days to help save the P2P Foundation Ning and contribute towards building a replacement open source home for the members and content.

Go here to make valuable contributions:


Please help spread that link far and wide!

Thanks in advance for your generosity,


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Comment by Alex Rollin on August 17, 2010 at 11:54
It is true that BP does something.

Drupal is up and running and does it all, too. http://commons.peerforge.com

I am working on the content migration for the Ning site now.

Anyone who would like to help is welcome. Into wordpress/BP is the hard part, so far.

I am using the tool that Boone built and have already emailed him for help with my issue as well as posting on the project page at http://teleogistic.net/code/wordpresswordpress-mu/import-from-ning/

If folks are interested they can email me and get a look-see at what's involved.

If you saw what happened with Ning just now, you might ask yourself what happens when you migrate from BP. The answer is, generally, that there are no tools to do so.

This is not the case with Drupal.

Even if you are going the BP route, feel free to contact me as I have some pieces up and running and can help if you need it.

It's a nice idea to fuse the sites, and, there's no policy in place for how that would work, so a separate site, as with Ning, seems to be called for as a community initiative.
Comment by Michel Bauwens on August 17, 2010 at 11:38
Thanks Anders,

we are committed to move away from Ning within the next year, to a floss platform. The problem is that various proposals are flying around While I personally like the wordpress idea as an extension of our already popular blog, others seem less enthusiastic. We going to have a process via our mailing list to make a decision on this.

Comment by Anders Abrahamsson on August 16, 2010 at 19:17

- reposting my comment from the fundraising page:

"Hi, Josef et al on P2P Foundation,

I am currently sitting in the same boat with Sustainopreneur’s Café on Ning (http://sustainopreneurship.org). And I prepare to export the data and migrate it to Wordpress with the Buddypress plugins. You can get the same functionality there according to a leading BP developer @boonebgorges convo’ed here – http://bettween.com/sliceonline/boonebgorges. I think you would save yourself thru alot of Drupal Pain… http://buddypress.org :).


[so - want to share the parallel experience of this migration :). and helping others in the same situation ;) ? ]



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