P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Beyond Anglo-Saxon dominance: capturing the spirit of innovation in Europe

Via Raf Weverbergh:

I'm in the middle of launching a continental, European site about innovation and entrepreneurship - to be clear: not a European TechCrunch/Mashable clone, because my aim is to write about more than just tech. What interests me is how people build great, innovative companies. I want to get to know the European startups and founders that will go all the way, but I also want to capture the general spirit of innovation in Europe. Editorially, the site will position itself somewhere between Wired, FastCompany and Inc.

The idea behind the project is best summed up by Mark Vanderbeeken, a Belgian entrepreneur who lives in Italy, which you can read here:


It is a fact that Anglo-American opinion leaders, professionals and
businesspeople have a much larger platform than European ones, thanks to the hegemony of UK/US media like Time, Wired,
Economist, Financial Times, but also TechCrunch, Mashable,...

I think the climate should be ready to create a poppy, viral
European news site, with European contributors who write in English.

From day one, I aim to bring a real European dimension to the project. 

It's people like you I'm turning to for help. Actually, you can help me by either one of the following four things - not *all* of them, like someone thought! Just one of these will be tremendously helpful!  

1. send me a tip on an interesting startup in your region

2. introduce me to an entrepreneur or VC in your network (it's okay to forward this mail to your contacts)

3. write a blog post for the site that's relevant to other European entrepreneurs: news, trends, analysis about your industry, or about starting an innovative business

4. introduce me to a possible contributor for the site. Could be an entrepreneur, but I'm also looking for people "on the other side" of entrepreneurship (consultants, lawyers, VC's, HR specialists,...). Anyone who could benefit from raising his or her profile among a readership of European professionals by contributing articles to the site.

Maybe your business could benefit from writing a blog aimed at a European audience of professionals (my target audience is the top 1% of professionals in Europe,  who are interested in international business)? People who send us tips for stories will always be credited (company name, Twitter handle, company website or blog, whatever you like). Contributors get a bio, photo, and links to all relevant social media channels. 

If you're interested in the concept, please don't hesitate to mail me. I'm also very interested in feedback, critiques, questions. Even money ;)
Kind regards,

Raf Weverbergh
+32 475 418 127
Skype: rafweverbergh 
Connect on LinkedIn

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