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The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Superflex - Self Organisation / Counter Economic Strategies

Danish artists group Superflex have released a .pdf of their most recent book on-line, free to download and share.

Ive not had a thorough read of the book but it covers lots of interesting projects, some Superflex are directly involved in such as ‘Free Beer’, ‘Copy Shop’ but the book also covers things like the recovered factories movement in Argentina, the black spot sneaker, the barefoot college ’self sufficiency in rural india’, LETS System, Ubuntu, and many more.

Here is a short description from the readme of the Superflex download -

“Self-organisation/Counter-economic strategies is about the many approaches to the creation, dissemination and maintenance of alternative models for social and economic organisation, and the practical and theoretical implications, consequences and possibilities of these self-organised structures. The counter-economic strategies presented here are radical alternatives to classical capitalist economic organisation that exploit, or have been produced by, the existing global economic system.

Essays by ten writers cover a wide cross-section of activity, from new approaches to intellectual property and the implications of the free/open source software movement to political activism and the de facto self-organisation embodied in informal architecture and the so-called black economy.

Self-organisation/Counter-economic strategies is not a comprehensive overview or an attempt to unify these diverse interpretations. It is intended as a toolbox of ideas, situations and approaches, and includes many practical examples.”

Here is a list of the Essays -

TEPITO: a barrio of artisans in light of global piracy by Alfonso Hernández

The Right to Mary Sue by Anupam Chander and Madhavi Sunder

The political action of the Landless Workers Movement in Brazil by Bruno Konder Comparato

The architecture of innovation By Lawrence Lessig

Strategies of Transition: Parallelism and Fragmentation in the Western Balkans and the European Union by Marjetica Potrc

Independent media and self-organised culture in the US: Situations and strategies Compiled and edited by
Martha Wallner and Will Bradley

Self Organisation: A short story of a family tree by Mika Hannula

Communities of the Question or Who Wants to Know? by Susan Kelly

Digital promises. The future of information societies and two types of social organisation. by Tere Vadén


The book is licenced with a creative commons license (Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike)


It is available to download as a bittorent from the piratebay


It took more then a day for me to download 42mbs which is a bit ridiculous. So I’ve uploaded it here. Im still seeding albeit intermittent.



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Comment by Josef Davies-Coates on July 11, 2008 at 12:19

Sounds like a great little booklet! :)



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