P2P Awards

Let's design, build, and manage the P2P awards for worldwide contributions to the P2P ecosystem.

P2P Awards Areas

Here are a few from Franz and Michel to get us started.

* best contribution to distributed infrastructures
* best contribution to the development of free culture
* best free software project of the year
* best free hardware design project of the year
* most important contribution to fundamental open design issues
* best public support for p2p production
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    Alex Rollin

    From Smari~
    * best new disruptive technology
    * best new p2p media
    * world-changer of the year
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      Alex Rollin

      From Franz Nahrada

      its really good to see how some ideas about the future create resonance. I
      want to specify some points where I agree wuth you.

      * Award for Outstanding Achievements in Peer Production

      This is an activity which will force us naturally to deeply consider and
      evaluate the things that are going on instead of looking at them
      superficially. The main benefit is that we really have to challenge each
      other on quality and useability of things and creations instead of
      reproducing the developers mantra that "my stuff is simply the best
      because I do it out of fun" (sorry, did not mean to hurt anybody!)

      I suggest we create a Wiki page on this on either the Oekonux Wiki or the
      P2P wiki and start filling in ideas.

      ** Categories
      ** Criteria
      ** Jury Members
      ** Sponsors
      ** Organizers

      * Oekonux Website

      Could be really a not only "critical", but also "in-depth" and
      "subjective" resource about ongoing developments. It would be great to see
      Oekonx 2.0 as an international editorial board of a resource collection
      that is not primarily looking at facts (Michel does that now with great
      diligence) but rather at evaluations of what is going on. Do not know how
      Stefan feels about that, but I would see Oekonux 2.0 as an international
      board of authors and theorists that discuss with each other. not primarily
      on the mailing list, but in a more theoretical essayist way. My motto is:
      Nobody looks at archives. Things gotta be ordered and reordered.

      Keimform and P2P Foundation have filled our hunger for facts and factoids,
      now its maybe time again for a more theoretical perspective and "grand
      views", but also what you are asking for, the strategical and practical
      discussions about how we can communicate to many many more people our
      theoretical findings and political strategies.
      • up

        Michel Bauwens

        Sorry for that not=related response, I created a separate page on this issue as a blogpost on the main page.

        I have created this page, http://p2pfoundation.net/P2P_Awards, to consolidate the discussion and concensus about this project. If you want access for your own editing purposes, and do not have it yet, please let me know.

        This is what we have so far:

        Franz Nahrada has proposed, and is working, on getting funding for a series of P2P Awards.

        Alex Rollin has started a page at the P2P Foundation's Ning community, to keep track of proposals, at http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/group/p2pawards/forum/topics/p2p-awar...

        This wiki page will be used to consolidate the information that is collated in this way.


        * 1 Categories
        o 1.1 List of Proposed Award Areas
        o 1.2 Detailed proposals
        * 2 Criteria
        * 3 Jury Members
        * 4 Sponsors
        * 5 Organizers

        [edit] Categories
        [edit] List of Proposed Award Areas

        * best contribution to distributed infrastructures
        * best contribution to the development of free culture
        * best free software project of the year
        * best free hardware design project of the year
        * most important contribution to fundamental open design issues
        * best public support for p2p production
        * best p2p/ community media project
        * best p2p/ community money project
        * best p2p/ community land project
        * best new disruptive technology
        * best new p2p media
        * world-changer of the year

        [edit] Detailed proposals

        Franz Nahrada:

        * Award for Outstanding Achievements in Peer Production

        This is an activity which will force us naturally to deeply consider and evaluate the things that are going on instead of looking at them superficially. The main benefit is that we really have to challenge each other on quality and useability of things and creations instead of reproducing the developers mantra that "my stuff is simply the best because I do it out of fun" (sorry, did not mean to hurt anybody!)

        [edit] Criteria
        [edit] Jury Members
        [edit] Sponsors
        [edit] Organizers