P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

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  http://mediagoblin.org/2011/05/gnu-mediagoblin-free-and-decentralized-media-sharing-in-development/   GNU MediaGoblin is a new software p…

Started by Sepp Hasslberger

0 May 3, 2011

Aram Sinnreich: The Next Generation Internet

Great TEDx talk by Aram Sinnreich, assistant professor at Rutgers University about MondoNet, a vision for an independent, distributed inter…

Started by Sepp Hasslberger

3 May 1, 2011
Reply by Michel Bauwens

Building a Distributed, Decentralized Internet - A Roadmap

  In an email discussion about building a distributed, decentralized internet, the question came up whether it is better to use facebook wi…

Started by Sepp Hasslberger

0 Apr 8, 2011

Europe to vote on free and open wireless internet

this is from Quadrature du Net and can be found at   http://www.laquadrature.net/en/voting-for-a-free-and-open-wireless-internet   Voting F…

Started by Sepp Hasslberger

0 Apr 7, 2011

Bitcoin a Rube Goldberg machine?

Bitcoin is an idea developed by Satoshi Nakamoto for an independent, fully de-centralized P2P currency. Technical details of how it is gene…

Started by Sepp Hasslberger

0 Mar 21, 2011

P2P eateries - Dining at London's secret supper clubs

Reuters had this article about it:    http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/08/us-food-dining-secretsuppers-idUSTRE7271HH20110308   Secret…

Started by Sepp Hasslberger

0 Mar 9, 2011

Useful tools and tips to keep communicating on the Internet in times of trouble

  Under the title "A few useful tools to help the revolutions", a German blogger has put together a list of tips and links that may prove u…

Started by Sepp Hasslberger

0 Feb 23, 2011

Help forge an open mesh for Egypt

Via http://openmeshproject.org/ Seeking the brightest engineers in the world to offer a solution building a mesh network for Egypt. Post o…

Started by Sepp Hasslberger

0 Feb 3, 2011

Get Internet Access When Your Government Shuts It Down

Does your government have an Internet kill-switch? Read our guide to Guerrilla Networking and be prepared for when the lines get cut. http…

Started by Sepp Hasslberger

0 Jan 30, 2011

Starfish: A Vision of a Distributed Network

Starfish: A Vision of a Distributed Network Raffael Kéménczy (http://kemenczy.at/) is proposing a roadmap towards a distributed net that w…

Started by Sepp Hasslberger

3 Jan 24, 2011
Reply by Sepp Hasslberger




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