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The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

We study the impact of Peer to Peer technology and thought on society

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    Bitcoin open source implementation of P2P currency 43 Replies

    Started by Satoshi Nakamoto. Last reply by Greg Matthews Oct 28, 2022.

    Could 'Peernet' be separate from today's internet infrastructure? 74 Replies

    Started by Sepp Hasslberger. Last reply by Dante-Gabryell Monson Nov 1, 2015.

    index and search the web 8 Replies

    Started by mose. Last reply by Sepp Hasslberger Nov 13, 2014.


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    Journalists suspects that a 2009 Bitcoin forgotten wallet that comes to live is from Satoshi Nakamoto

    In the middle of world Covid-19 pandemic a frozen BTC wallet caught attention in the blockchain world. Check recent news coverage:

    The Next Web:…


    Posted by Wagner Tamanaha on May 22, 2020 at 1:31


    i suggest that earth is at its very limit of capability to preserve life itself, so i think imediate action is recuired.

    2 simple steps i suggest to be most important.

    activate a global surveilance system that gives live video feeds…


    Posted by TheBoon on August 7, 2014 at 14:00 — 2 Comments



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