P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Michel Bauwens
  • Male
  • Bangkok
  • Thailand
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Michel Bauwens's Friends

  • Jorge Andrés Delgado Ron
  • Toon Van den Brempt
  • daniela terrile
  • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
  • Örsan Şenalp
  • Stephen
  • TheBoon
  • Jodi Dean
  • Ricard Espelt
  • Vladimir Nickolayevich Tretyakov
  • Albert Klamt
  • Peadar OCeallaigh
  • Claudia
  • Sébastien Paquet
  • Tomi Astikainen

Michel Bauwens's Groups

Michel Bauwens's Discussions

P2P and Marxism: launching the debate
11 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Örsan Şenalp Jun 29, 2011.

Who should use freenet?

Started Dec 26, 2010

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About Me:
I'm the founder of the P2P Foundation and live in Chiang Mai, in the north of Thailand.

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Michel Bauwens's Blog

Mailpile Crowdfunding Success

Via Stacco Troncoso:

"Good news all around: with more than two weeks to go on their funding campaign, Mailpile has exceeded its funding goal for the development of an alternative web-mail application with enhanced encryption and safety features.

Led by an Icelandic team of open source…


Posted on August 29, 2013 at 17:04

Launch of the Global Timebank

Kevin Parcell of Reconomy writes:

"All are invited to join our 1000 members in launching our Global Timebank - our new tool for building sustainable prosperity that combines p2p trading of time, massive online collaboration, and the option to contribute service to be "paid forward" forever. To join us, add your signature to our Global Petition or "Pay it forward" pledge here:…


Posted on August 12, 2013 at 18:35

Launch of new 'Radical Realities' zine of the Alternate (G8) Collective in Birmingham

Via Nicolas Ripley:

“Alternate have published our first e-zine, Radical Realities, with contributions from John Hilary, Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Heather Marsh and Michel Bauwens.

The Alternate Collective was formed out of Occupy Birmingham, UK. The collective comprises of radical practitioners that promote and publish about democratic and cooperative governance. We aim to propose practical solutions, to envisage what a ‘new settlement’ could comprise of for…


Posted on July 17, 2013 at 9:49

FABFUSE2013: Grassroots Knowledge Sharing in Amersfoort (NL) 19 - 21 July 2013

FABFUSE2013: Grassroots Knowledge Sharing

where: Amersfoort (NL)

when: 19 - 21 July 2013

As the global ecosystem of fab labs, hackerspaces, public laboratories and other community driven workshops grows, so does the need for effective exchange of knowledge between these peer knowledge hubs.

Can we cook up a grassroots implementation of peer reviewed knowledge? Or should we? Are existing platforms (journals, conferences) open to p2p communities? What great…


Posted on June 26, 2013 at 6:30

Help send this permaculture documentary to the film festivals!

Joseph Redwood-Martinez writes:

" We launched a crowdfunding campaign to help raise some of the funds needed to send the documentary on Sadhana Forest Haiti to international film festivals: http://igg.me/at/free/x/1892319 .

While I know the documentary will appeal to people interested in environmentalism, climate issues, community living, sustainability, permaculture, etc., etc., I'm especially hoping…


Posted on June 25, 2013 at 12:45

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At 18:18 on May 1, 2013, Vladimir Nickolayevich Tretyakov said…

Proving my lips of pen:
Sorry, it should be: ".. and I'd like to support it in any way"

At 18:15 on May 1, 2013, Vladimir Nickolayevich Tretyakov said…

Thanks Michel for your friendly proposal. I like your activity within P2P community and I'd like it to support i any way. Especially ou notres  contacts (courtes) seront en francais. J'aime beaucoup ce language mais alas sans grande mutualite ;-)

A propos de ma question: comment je peut etre enregistre? 

At 16:48 on January 23, 2013, Pascal Houba said…

En effet. Je t'ai ajouté comme ami sur facebook comme je suis plus souvent connecté que sur P2Pf.

At 2:43 on March 7, 2012, Michel Bauwens said…

can't wait Lucas!

At 3:30 on March 6, 2012, Lucas Nebert said…

Thanks Michel. I haven't written anything up yet but I will soon. I find a lot of truth in your thesis on p2p production, and p2p agriculture is my passion. To build a true commons we must build the soil.

At 7:32 on March 2, 2012, Anna Harris said…

Hi Michel,

Thanks for your reply. I was hoping for a response, if you have time, to my comment on the Marxism debate, reproduced below.

Quote  – ‘The key is that generalized non-reciprocity cannot be imposed by any top-down force, however benign, but must by necessity mature in the real society as people can gradually move towards it as sufficiency and abundance replace scarcity dynamics.’

One large factor being ignored here is the role of childcare usually provided by the mother, the basis of all non-reciprocal relationships, producing value which is nowhere acknowledged as an economic asset, but without which no society could exist. or regenerate itself. I hesitate to mention the word ‘love’ in this context but without it why would people move towards more generalised non-reciprocity? It is that primary relationship with a carer – not to exclude fathers or others – which is the first experience of sufficiency and abundance, which will set the pattern of receiving and giving, and will enable a deeper connection with and solidarity with humanity as a whole. In that ability to care, engendered by that first primary relationship, care for ourselves and the other, we can discover our deep need to give, to contribute to another’s well-being, which can nourish our own dignity and empowerment. Through that experience we can envisage the maturity described above moving towards the ‘social individualism’ described by Marx and further towards the ‘Communism [that] is the voluntary cooperation among individuals for both social good and for their own pleasure and development.’

This is not a relationship that has to be created. It is our natural relationship to each other and to the world which is distorted by the economic system of markets and money mechanisms, which alienates us from our true selves. It remains to be discovered when that conditioning and those conditions are thrown off. Whether we have to go through a transition period will depend more, in my opinion, on how quickly we recognise the motivating role of Love and the priority of the mother/carer/child relationship.

At 8:35 on March 1, 2012, Anna Harris said…

HI Michel,

Thank you for your welcome, which is very flattering, but not sure on what it is based. Is this the way you welcome all new members?

Would welcome an explanation,


At 19:56 on April 12, 2011, Jon Lebkowsky said…
I just saw this message you left me on Ning in 2009 - I didn't see it before, sorry for my failure to respond! I promise to be more present.
At 2:54 on March 8, 2011, Matt Rutherford said…
I might have something - I've shot a mail to Matt Johnston @cimota with your details & this community. He might have a bunch of stuff for you or none at all. Apologies for being brief, leaving for Central Asia in the morning!
At 16:18 on March 2, 2011, Jodi Dean said…
thanks--this is a great site and the Marx discussion incited me to join. I hope that I'll have a chance to contribute something to it...



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