P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Participatory Bioregional Governence: Bioregional Congress

OCTOBER 3-11, 2009
The Farm, Summertown TN

Amidst the hills and hollows, tribes and councils new and old will gather to share and collaborate finding ways to re-inhabit mother earth.

What: Founded 25 years ago, Continental Congresses have brought together earth natives from all generations in sacred celebration and deep connection with the earth and our diverse human family. The 10th Continental Bioregional Congress (CBCX) will be a landmark event focused on unifying and strengthening the global effort to preserve, restore and enhance life. Individuals and organizations participating in the Congress will envision, exchange and spark realistic, restorative strategies for living in the bioregions of the Americas.

Who: Hundreds of people from diverse bioregions and fields such as policy, agriculture, restoration, art, education, business, and healing will participate in this year’s Congress as delegates. Thousands more will tune in to the proceedings of the Congress online, expanding the ripple effects of the inspiration and synergy catalyzed by this historic event. Audiences everywhere will benefit from getting a glimpse into Bioregionalism, and the profound hope that it provides for the world in actualizing sustainable, long-lasting positive change.

Where: This year’s Congress will be hosted by the Farm, a thriving ecovillage founded in 1971 in Summertown, TN. The Farm spans over 2,000 acres, houses many green businesses, hosts bioregionally-related events year-round, and provides a living model of sustainable development and consensus-based living.

How: This nine day residential event will include a bioregional certification curriculum, small and large group discussions and activities, a youth program and a toolbox of workshops and speakers focused on building, sustaining and re-localizing communities, reinvigorating culture and arts and organizing for ecological restoration, economic prosperity and policy change.

Why: With the recent escalation of ecological devastation and the current global economic and political crises, the answers bioregionalism offers are more important than ever! The Bioregional Movement has been a catalyst for social and political change defined by the decentralization of power to smaller units of population and land. Many global efforts have been seeded through this powerful tradition over the years including the formation of the Green Party, ecovillages and ecological and social restoration efforts. This year’s Congress will include training on the Transition Town Movement, and will be a powerful nexus for leaders from various ecological and social networks to synergize their efforts for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

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Comment by Gregory on June 4, 2009 at 17:12
The US Green party was, in a large part, born out of early congresses. Indigenous declarations and self governed educational processes have been born, and the inclusion of the council of all beings into decision making processes are all major mile markers...
Comment by Joao Goncalves on June 4, 2009 at 9:23
this looks great event,
what have been the most significant processes that were triggered at previous Congresses ?
warm regards



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