P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

I am hopefully not breaking P2P etiquette here, but my Kickstarter project funding seems to be stalled.
If I am to make further progress this year, I need to make this work.

So, I am requesting that you consider 5 or 10 dollars for the project, its is less about the amount, than about attracting a show of interest and support. This is a reasonably small sum, and you'll all have access to the full plans when they are published in march 2010. Equally important is for interested people to attract other like-minded individuals.

If technical plans aren't your interest, consider the secondary benefits of a society that has a variety of sources for everything it needs, instead of relying on a few big manufactures who rely on a few big materials sources and sell through one big retailer who's fate is linked to a few big banks.....

Many small localized manufacturers, relying on recycled local materials, who make a significant fraction (but not all) of locally needed goods, reduces everyone’s dependency on a few people getting it right in Centralized Industry, Government and Banking, assuming of course that nothing malicious is being done by those parties...

Are the benefits to small scale, community based, self building, low cost, highly automated, modular factories too abstract? The whole Maker community seems centered on the premise that individuals can create whats needed, open source, and locally.

I'd like feedback on this, perhaps I'm missing some critical point, or my assumptions are flawed or incomplete.

Your help in guiding me to a clearer view of why this vision is faulty, or alternatively, why its fine, but is being communicated poorly, is needed.

the main website is here http://www.cubespawn.com
the Kickstarter site is here http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/CubeSpawn/cubespawn-an-open-sou...

Thank you,

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Comment by Michel Bauwens on January 3, 2010 at 12:15
If you can formalize your text here a little bit, we can republish it on the regular blog, which has a lot more readers,




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