P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

New introductory Commons Course starting July 2011

Via Mary Beth Steisslinger, MS

Commons Learning Alliance, http://www.commonslearning.org/

Hello Friends Around the World,

We are sending you this email as we thought you might be interested in participating in the next Common Course, beginning in early July, 2011.   


We are putting this out to people we know who are working towards sustainability and justice in various fields and in myriad ways, locally, regionally, and globally.  In general, commons can be defined as the wealth of nature and society we inherit or create together and must pass on, undiminished or enhanced, to future generations. 

Those who are part of the growing commons movement  believe our contemporary sustainable development and other local to global challenges can be traced to the collective difficulties, to date, to manage and preserve such resources as forests, oceans, atmosphere, and social commons such as the internet, education and cultures.  The commons movement provides means to operationalize sustainability and enable engagement, transparency, sharing and justice in ways that have not been possible until recent times.

Outreach and development for the Common Course is through the Commons Knowledge Alliance and Commons Action for the United Nations.   Common Courses will soon be available for universities and organizations around the world, via creative commons licensing.  

You can learn about this free 4 week intensive course, including viewing the curriculum, by following the links below.  The free course is open to anyone and will take about 2-4 hours of your time each week for 4 weeks, 3 hrs/wk being average for past participants (including the 1 hour conf call or skype call each week).  Please share this announcement widely.  Another course will be offered in September for $25.

Hope to have your participation, 

Mary Beth Steisslinger, MS

For the Common Course Team



The Common Course - an Overview

Sponsors: The Anthroposphere Institute, The Commons Learning Alliance, Commons Action for the United Nations


 1. Self-study; materials available on-line
 2. Regular participation in on-line discussion group (request that you give input 1-2x/week)
 3. Participation in 1 hr weekly conference call


Academic Director: Leo Burke


Online Discussion Facilitators:   Jan Inglis, Mary Beth Steisslinger, and Robin Temple


Webmaster:  Robin Temple

Tuition:  Free for a short period of time while international webpayment system is being developed


Register here at the Website: The Commons Campus

Materials:  All text materials will be posted on the website in PDF format; audio materials in MP3 format; videos in YouTube format (.flv)


Course orientation conference call: Saturday, July 9, 2011.


This orientation conference call will be the official start of the Common Course.


The orientation call will give you a chance to be introduced to your instructors on the Common Course, hear from others who are also participating, and ask any technical questions you may have about using this online learning platform for the course. You can find instructions about how to join the conference call and call-in times here




Week I—Introduction to the Commons (July 10-16)

 Overview of the commons, including history, current usage and definitions.  Major issues facing the commons today.

 Conference call Week I: July 16



Week II: The Enclosure of the Commons (July 17-23)

 History of the enclosure process.  Current attempts at enclosure, privatization, monetization of the commons.

 Conference call Week II: July 23



Week III: The Commons and Climate Change (July 24-30)

The impact of climate change on the commons and the use of commons trusts to protect the climate.

 Conference call Week III: July 30



Week IV: The Depth and Breadth of the Global Commons: From Philosophy to Action (July 31-Aug 6)

Examining the philosophical underpinnings of the global commons and looking at ways of taking effective action to create a sustainable future.

 Conference call Week IV: Aug 6


 Common Course Working Group 


THE COMMONS, n., gifts of nature and society; the wealth we inherit or create together and must pass on, undiminished or enhanced, to our children; a sector of the economy that complements and counterweights the corporate sector.
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