P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

"I honestly believe that these P2P ideas are moving (have moved) fairly quickly in the right direction."

There are two striking things about this network, the apparent lack of diversity in the members and the advanced and generally less than fully explored/implemented P2P ideas. This is not an indictment or source of shame anymore than having unmet goals for yourself is a source of shame. I would not be aware and hopeful about many collaborations and projects if I had not followed to this P2P network node. This has been a tremendous source of enthusiasm and challenge and I have made very little effort. In short - Thank You.

I have a vague intention of creating a multimedia presentation to raise awareness of these new ideas and tools. I have given a couple of amateur academic presentations about these ideas and I watched some people get really engaged and others gloss out. I have a vague idea that the same causal phenomenon that elicits such different responses in the audience are causing a self selecting process and I need to understand that mechanism a little more (where will you be in four months) before I skip merrily down a road.

I have sussed out a good input for this wave of swarm thought though, in successful applications the significant process is agreed upon first without regard to the purpose/project/endeavor. It is for this reason/benefit alone I consider that a "hack" might be the next big step in an unknowable arc of future history.

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Comment by Carl Ballard Swanson on March 20, 2008 at 12:21
Oh what a great distillation. Thank you.
Comment by Sepp Hasslberger on March 20, 2008 at 8:17
Where's all this going to go? Indeed no telling.

Spose we'll just have to go merrily skipping down that road.

Robin, by the way, just attempted to pull some of these strings together in a post on his masternewmedia site.



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