P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Marco Fioretti's Blog (7)

Meeting P2P/Openness advocates in Minneapolis?

Next month I will be in Minneapolis to speak about the relationships between p2p/Open(standards, software, education, manufacturing...) and Catholic Social Doctrine at this symposium. I will present a paper titled "Catholic Social Thought and the Openness Revolution: natural travel companions".

I will have some time both before and after the event, so it would be great to meet other people interested in…


Added by Marco Fioretti on March 14, 2013 at 21:00 — No Comments

GPLv3 is great for Open Innovation, but it is not enough to protect our communication rights

some background on another project I'm working on. A community-managed, completely open secure communication infrastructure for the masses:

    GPLv3 is great for Open Innovation, but it is not enough to protect our communication rights

Added by Marco Fioretti on September 1, 2011 at 16:45 — No Comments

Open Data: Emerging trends, issues and best practices

Open Data, Open Society is a research project about openness of public data in EU local administrations by for the Laboratory of Economics and Management of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa.

The first report of the project, released in October 2010 under a…


Added by Marco Fioretti on September 1, 2011 at 10:17 — No Comments

New Digital Citizens Online Course

Today, our rights and the overall quality of our life heavily depend on how software is used around us. Quite often, even people who already spend much time online don't realize all the ways in which computer influence their lives. With the Digital Citizens Basic online course I try to explain all this, in the simplest possible way.


This course is quite different from most courses with…


Added by Marco Fioretti on March 17, 2011 at 16:35 — No Comments

Open Data, Open Society: a research project about openness of public data in EU local administrations

As some readers may already know, I regularly follow Open Government and Open Data issues. This month I have started working on a research contract for the Laboratory of Economics and Management (L.E.M.) of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, in the context of the Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (DIME)…


Added by Marco Fioretti on June 4, 2010 at 8:00 — No Comments

Collaborative textbook writing experiment in italian school

Textbooks cost at least 300 Euro per year per student in Italy. An italian high school has started an experiment which is the first or one of the first in Italy to solve this problem, by having its teachers produce alternative textbooks themselves. I have interviewed the principal, so you can read more details in that page. I'm signaling the article here because, as you can read in the article, the principal is inviting other italian schools to join… Continue

Added by Marco Fioretti on April 3, 2010 at 15:19 — No Comments

The tragedy of the commons

The Creative Commons is full of potential for artists everywhere – so why is most of it untapped?  

an article I wrote on this topic, and on how CC and similar "Free-as-in-Freedom-Knowledge" initiatives are lived outside the western countries, is now fully readable online. Please visit the related LXF forum thread to download the full text and add your… Continue

Added by Marco Fioretti on February 19, 2009 at 5:21 — No Comments



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