I'm still waiting for my own review copy, but what from what I've seen from the draft chapters, this is a really important book regarding peer governance and an outline of the different forms of human solidarities and how they interact.
I.e. the author distinguishes: markets, hierarchies, egalitarianism and 'fatalism' and a fifth integrative form of relationship called "Autonomy"
The book is:
Organising and Disorganising: A Dynamic and Non-Linear Theory of Institutional… Continue
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 14, 2008 at 13:34 —
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The network of cooperative businesses of the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna is often hailed as an example of a decentralized business network based on ethical principles.
Our Italian correspondent Marco Fioretti says that there is a lot of critique though, but the links below are all in Italian, so we would appreciate any knowledgeable english commentary on the topic.
Marco Fioretti:
The problem is that most of this stuff is in Italian only.…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 14, 2008 at 9:19 —
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Here at NSP, we want to help our members connect with friends and other members online and help us grow our membership. We have started several projects which can help us expand our presence on the internet and allow us to connect with each other more easily. We call this our "NetRoots" campaign, and it is part of our outreach that combines our new website, social groups like Facebook and online tools like forums.
To start this campaign, we need your help. When you sign up to a…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 14, 2008 at 5:14 —
1 Comment
from: Nick Jankel-Elliott, via Dante Monson:
More info via http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=175057500000 ; http://www.facebook.com/inbox/readmessage.php?t=48016830567&mbox_pos=0
Hi all
We have amazing news. Based upon the success of our open Disruptors community, the UK's National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA.org.uk) is collaborating with us at Beyond Zero (www.beyondzero.cc), the people behind The Disruptors, on the first…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 12, 2008 at 3:09 —
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Via Marvin T. Pascual:
A first book has been published by the SELF Project. "Introduction to
Free Software" has been produced together with the Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya (UOC) with a number of recognised authors on the subjects of
Free Software. The book provides an introduction to the inspiring world
of Free Software, covering its main concepts, some of the most
successful free software projects, the specifics of their development
and the legal…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 12, 2008 at 1:54 —
This interesting summary of the possibilities of open spectrum appeared in business week, here at
It's an update to http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/open-spectrum-victory-in-the-us/2008/11/08 relating the victory for open spectrum usage in the US.
BW writes:
" The new airwaves, known as white spaces, could be used to create wireless hot spots akin to those created by Wi-Fi…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 11, 2008 at 12:17 —
Via Mark de Jong,
This press release is related to participation in business processes, co-creation and codesign.
The University of Amsterdam and the VU University Amsterdam will launch one of the first European university centers for service innovation: the Amsterdam Academic Centre for Service Innovation (AMSI). Innovation is a major characteristic of the service economy. There is an increasing need for managers who possess expertise in both business…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 10, 2008 at 15:11 —
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Via Roberto Verzola:
URL = http://rverzola.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/verzola-on-abundance1.pdf
I have just finished a piece that puts under a single theoretical
frameworks disparate issues like software, books, music, video,
inventions, agriculture, natural resources, the Internet etc. The unifying
concept is abundance.
This new piece extends my earlier analysis of ICT and society contained in
my book Towards a Political Economy of…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 10, 2008 at 15:01 —
From Kevin Carson, via email:
My response to the solicitation of ideas at change.gov:
As always, my recommendations center on a theme of pursuing green ends
with libertarian means.
If we want to replace the present centralized economy of waste
production and planned obsolescence, it's an inescapable fact that a
great deal of excess manufacturing capacity cannot be saved. In my
opinion it's a mistake to try to prop…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 9, 2008 at 2:50 —
Via Jeff Buderer:
"For me the key point I try to emphasize is this idea of developing nodes
of convergence - that is how can we come together in centers and or
ecovillages that can help us to better synergize. This does not have to
be a life long or long term commitment but rather a focus on how we can
pool our resources on making the urban systems more compact and
sustainable and community friendly/human scale (thus reducing the impact
on rural regions…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 7, 2008 at 9:23 —
1 Comment
Via Kevin Flanagan:
There is exhibition at the San Francisco Museum Of Modern Art called
'The Art of Participation' which looks at the history of participatory
practice in contemporary art. For a good 50 years now artists have
challenged the 'institution' of art, blurring the boundries between
art and life, artwork and audience. In a way as these artistic
practices which at one time (60's&70's) where 'radical' and
'antagonistic' have become…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 7, 2008 at 4:08 —
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Via Geert Lovink,
More info at http://resistancestudies.org/
In an attempt to remedy the lack of academic study in the field of resistance to power and its social transformation the School of Global Studies at Göteborg University has launched this Resistance Studies Network.
With the help of networking, collaborative conferences, research and publication projects and thematic educational events, this network hopes to deepen the…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 6, 2008 at 3:28 —
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Dear everybody!
During the last month a group of us have been trying to organise a working seminar on Networked Politics and Technology in the Bay Area. We are making the most of the fact that some of us are at present in the US. It has taken some time to get everything organised. Now we can confirm it. It will take place in Berkeley on the weekend of the 6th and 7th of December 2008. It will be hosted by the School of Information – UC Berkeley. We are also organising a public event…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 3, 2008 at 23:20 —
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Let's participate in discussing Adam Arvidsson's very important draft book, starting with chapter 1. One month is dedicated to discussing this chapter.
Here's the announcement:
“We’re proud to announce a new website for the Ethical Economy book project. At www.ethicaleconomy.com, you can download a final version of the first chapter that introduces and summarizes the argument (the second chapter, The Ethical Economy is Already Here, on how capitalism is no longer…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 3, 2008 at 23:02 —
(also check out: http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Science)
Via the Open Knowledge Foundation:
After discussions with Cameron Neylon of Open Wetware and Kaitlin Thaney
of Science Commons we set up an open science mailing list. As far as we
could tell, there wasn't a general mailing list for people interested
open science. Hence the new list aims cover this gap, and to strengthen
and consolidate the open science community.
We hope it…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 3, 2008 at 7:45 —
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Via Nathan Cravens:
From http://opencafemain.wikispot.org/:
"The Open Cafe fuses the age old tradition of the potluck with the contemporary Open Source movement to share company, food, drink, and more in a community environment created anew with every day. A wiki page maintained by a community describes each day's menu and schedule of events for a physical location in your area. You, the participant, can establish a location, make the menu and event schedule as you please,…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 1, 2008 at 6:43 —
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This was sent to us by Auren Hoffman of http://blog.summation.net
You Think For Yourself but You Act Like Your Friends
It is important to understand how homophily changes the way we think
Birds of a feather tend to shop together. That we know. They also tend to talk together and walk together; and who their friends are affects more than just what type of jeans they buy. Their friends have the capacity to affect their tastes, activities, and their…
Added by Michel Bauwens on November 1, 2008 at 3:33 —
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