Lawrence (or Larry) Taub

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am the author of The Spiritual Imperative: Sex, Age, and the Last Caste, which is available in English (original), Spanish (El Imperativo Espiritual: Sexo, Edad, y la Ultima Casta) and Japanese (Mittsu no genri: Sekksu, Nenrei, Shakai-kaiso ga mirai o tsukiugokasu). It's been a best-seller in Japan since it came out last December, but that was "pure luck."

I am from Newark, New Jersey, USA, lived in various parts of the world, and spent around 30 of the last 38 years in Tokyo. I just vacated Japan and am rolling around like a roulette ball until I end up somewhere, at least temporarily. Probably Haifa, one of the world's most beautiful cities, despite being developed by the British. At my age, warm weather is very important.

I am 72, and it is about time I really settled down somewhere, everybody says. Still single. Probably always will be. Not gay. Probably never will be.

I have been strongly influenced by feminist (and anarchist) thinking and p2p, and don't believe in left or right politics. I guess I would call myself a conservative progressive. There's a saying that if you are not radical when young you have no heart. And if you are not conservative when old, you have no mind. Maybe it should be the reverse. How about both at the same time? Is that p2p?

Right now, and for the last few years, I have been mostly focused on making people aware of the key ideas in "my" book. I put "my" in quotes because I don't really know how the ideas for the book ended up in my head. But they came to me while reading the newspaper in the loo in 1975. Interested people can check out the ideas by going to my very primitive website.
How did you come across this network?
One day I was googling around, and found out that Michel Bauwens had discovered my website somehow, and published part of an interview of me that appears on the site, which was written by a Dutch journalist named Jan Krikke (also living in Thailand). The Interview amounts to a bird's eye view of the basic ideas of "my" book. I contacted Michel, found out the great stuff he was doing for p2p, and even ended up visiting him for a couple of days during a long vacation trip I made to Thailand from Tokyo over a year ago. That's how I learned a little about this network.

Comment Wall:

  • Josef Davies-Coates

    Hi Larry, thanks for joining! :)

    And thanks for so fully filling in your profile - feel like I know you already :)

    Warm regards,
