P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives


Peer Labour

For a peer to peer, transnational, common, and hyperempowered labour class movement

Website: http://snuproject.wordpress.com/
Location: the earth
Members: 7
Latest Activity: Apr 3, 2013

Discussion Forum

Anonymous Call for a Global P2P Revolution, we can start writing all from the begining on 11.11.11 7 Replies

The whole world may come together and peacefully rise against all that is unjust on 11.11.11 A YEAR OF DISSENT: ALL FOR ONE -…Continue

Started by Örsan Şenalp. Last reply by Örsan Şenalp Nov 25, 2011.

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Comment by Örsan Şenalp on August 22, 2011 at 21:48

Global Class Warfare: Global Capitalist Class vs. New Transnational...

photo of orsan
22nd August 2011


Italian communist and political activist Antonio Gramsci’s core concepts like hegemony, organic crisis, passive revolution, historic bloc, transformismo, war of position and war of manoeuvre are central for our understanding of today’s complex global capitalist system, as well as the catastrophic changes that are currently taking place in it.

Recently, Stephen Gill, a prominent neo-Gramscian global economy politics theorist, has identified the 2008 global financial turmoil as the manifestation of a ‘global organic crisis‘, with reference to Gramsci’s original concept. Theorisation of the rise and decline of the global hegemony of the transnational capitalist class and the Empire -also inspired by Gramsci’s writings- have also been enlightening, at least to me.

Jerome E. Roos from online magazine Reflection on a Revolution (ROARMAG), in abrilliant article this time has sharply indicated the upcoming passive revolution on a global scale, by tracing the recent shift in the language of intellectuals of global capitalist elite/class such as Warren Buffet, Forbes and Financial Times authors. This shocking return of the concept of Class Warfare on the pens and mouths of the core capitalist actors, after decades carefully hiding it under the carpet, might be indeed signaling an upcoming… Continue reading »

Comment by Örsan Şenalp on June 21, 2011 at 14:53

Global unions launch campaign for the common good: Quality Public S...

Via Scoop.it – Mapping Social Network Unionism Worldwide

The Council of Global Unions will launch the worldwide Quality Public Services—Action Now!campaign on Thursday 23 June, United Nations Public Services Day. The aim is to advance quality public services for all people through unprecedented coordinated solidarity action across borders.

From the American Midwest to the Middle East, Asia to Africa, Europe to South America – private and public sector unions are uniting as never before to defend and advance the quality public services that keep communities strong. Unions are working with a wide range of allies including municipal governments and civil society groups to build sustainable economies that benefit all people – not just a select few.
In South Africa, this means local unions are working with the Durban eThekwini municipality and community partners to advance affordable housing and reliable public water, electricity, sanitation and transport services through a campaign initiated by Public Services International. In Cape Town, this includes providing books to build public libraries in a partnership effort between Education International affiliates and the civil society organisation Equal Education.

In Bangkok, Thailand, railway workers who are members of the International Transport Workers’ Federation are marching with public sector unions to reinforce their message of protest against government privatisation plans. Continue reading 


Comment by Örsan Şenalp on June 8, 2011 at 9:52

The Cyberunion Podcasts on air: Use technology to organise!

Posted on June 8, 2011 by OrsanSenalp

Walton Pantland of Unite, from Scotland and union activist Stephen from Boston US, have recently started a great experiment on Cyberunions website.

They started podcasting on how to use social media, networks, new internet and mobile phone technologies in order to strengthen unions and rank and file at the shop floor, and in general.

Those unionists who feel the need to grow in number and fight back better must follow these invaluable discussions.

Here are the links to first three episodes:

The Cyberunions Podcast: Episode Three

Comment by Örsan Şenalp on May 27, 2011 at 10:59
Hallo Michel, thanks for joining, I wil try to do it!
Comment by Michel Bauwens on May 27, 2011 at 7:14

Dear Orsan,


can you craft an announcement for this for the regular p2p blog, and even for Ning, so we can spread the news?




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