P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

can we map where p2p and mooc movements connect

if you havent heard of MOOC (Massive Open Online Curriculum) some links are maintained at this blog http://youth10000education.blogspot.com  and we propose to soft launch a ning at www.planetmooc.com


we are helping host the first open mooc strategy conference in the south asia in dhaka march 25 to 27 with brac university the uni wing of the largest ngo in the world -this will be a select festival of action meetings of the most collaborative people we can find as well as a way to dicsuss how to massively open up mooc maps all over the world of most trusted youth leaders and apps


do massive open online curriculum interest you - we are interested in the segment of moocs that become critical to collaboration and action networking of post 2015 millennium goals as well as regaining youth productivity/jobs in every nation - having participated at the largest microcreditsummits and www.convergences2015.org we are asking summit organisers if they wish to idnetify who believes education is the connector to all other youth development practices that we need to linkin round -call this microeducation summit if you will


GOODWILL VERSUS BLINDWILL OR BADWILL NETWORKS- who's pied pipering youth's futures?

as someone who first saw 500 youth sharing knowledge around a digital network in 1972, it deeply offends my person that we have a million times more collaboration technology than ever before but old people's debts and failed economics are putting youth out of work just when it could be youth's most productive time- i wish to help linkin to anyine designing component modules of a mooc on pro-youth economics


2013 is the 170th birthday of The Economist being founded to end hunger and the 40th anniversary of entrepreneurial revolution dialogues being hosted around the theme of how to invest in the net generation's lifetimes 10 times more productive, sustainable and heroic than any previous generation -if those are compasses your life's about celebrating welcome sharing of ideas chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk washigton dc hotline 1 301 881 1655 skype chrismacraedc

we welcome converging 2013's other anniversaries -= for example it is the 10th anniversary of global reconcilation network led by medical and gandhians- first assembled in london's red lion square so that peoples from over 50 cultures in conflict with one or more of each other could open space to find hunality ion each other's youth


Media Release – Reconciliation Conference ... - KnowledgeBoard

25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL volunteering what cash contribution they ... The  conference will also launch a global reconciliation network to promote ...

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