P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

The ethics of diy bio-hacking, in Singapore

Via Denisa Kera:

DIYbio: from biohacking to bioart

Singapore 2010, part of 10th World Congress of Bioethics



Would you like to play with your genome or create synthetic organisms
that compete in biotech games? Would you like to use lab tools when
cooking and transform your kitchen into biotech lab where alcohol is
served as ice-cream and unexpected flavors like white chocolate and
caviar can mix? Would you like to translate scientific protocols into
art manifests and create sculptures from tissues, do performances with
DNA, make installations from biotopes and use media displays made from
bacteria? If your answer is yes, join us in Hackerspace to test your
ideas and visions. We will turn the local Hackerspace into
Biohackerspace for one day to explore the territory between public,
private and lab spaces and discuss various forms of biohacking,
biopunk, bioart and molecular gastronomy. How relevant are these
citizen science and science enthusiast practices for innovation? What
are some new design and art ideas related to biotechnologies? How can
we involve critical design practices in bioethics discussions? How can
these probes and experiments introduce new Science Technology Society
questions? We will cook, play and hack in order to discuss this and in
the evening will have the first ever DIYbio party in Singapore.

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