P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

TedXBrussels Nov. 12 theme is: Bits, Atoms, Neurons, Genes

This year the TedXBrussels theme is Bits, Atoms, Neurons, Genes (or BANG BANG!). The digital world and the real world are interconnected like never before. You can send off online for a personal genome readout and control physical objects with your mind. Computer thinking is driving medicine, music and play. With brain-computer interfaces now used in nuclear power stations and bio hackers doing lab biology in their garages, BANG BANG is a concept whose time has come. BANG BANG means the evolving mesh of ideas and practices, a rich mix of citizens, scientists and culture.

Monday November 12, 2012 - LIVESTREAMING @ VUB, KULTUURKAFFEE - 9.00-19.00h.

With Jeroen Raes (VUB), Steve Wozniak, Alexander D’Hooghe, Jesse Dylan, Peter Gabriel, Peter Jansen, Irene van Peer, Neelie Kroes, Dale Stephens, and many others.



Click here to register for the LIVESTREAMING @ VUB



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