P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

OPEN 2009 - Media Lab Doctor of Arts Symposium - Helsinki - November 5–6, 2009

Via Juha Kronqvist


The doctoral programme in Media Lab Helsinki will organize a symposium about openness in November 5–6, 2009, which is the second edition of the event.

OPEN 2009 - Media Lab Doctor of Arts Symposium is an event for all interested parties who want to understand the ongoing shift from an industrially organized era to an era of networks and social production. The role and meaning of information is changing from a fixed, well-guarded asset to a continuously changing openly shared process.

Openness is affecting the relational dynamics between different actors. New ideals, organizational forms and practices emerge. They interfere with older traditions and create a space of conflict.

What does this mean for …
… organizations?
… consumers?
… citizens?
… research?
… business?
… design?
… culture?
… art?
… society?
… environment?
… you/me/us/everone else?
This symposium aims to explore acting in this space, keeping theoretical and practical knowledge together.
The Call for Papers is open during September 2009. For more information, go to http://mlabsymp.uiah.fi

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