P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Online symposium about access to knowledge, Tues. Feb. 1 - Thurs. Feb. 3.

Via Amy Kapczynski:


I'm writing with an invitation to participate in an online symposium about access to knowledge, on the occasion of the publication of a new edited volume on the topic.  
The book, called "Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property," (Zone Press; fulltext here --> http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=12358) is the first of its kind: a series of essays commissioned to both provide a generalized introduction to the A2K mobilization and the IP environment it responds to, and to further develop the theoretical and tactical insights and dilemmas of the A2K mobilization.
Of course, the book is really only worthwhile if people know it's there, and if it helps spark some new debates and conversations.  In the service of that project, my co-editor Gaelle Krikorian and I are organizing a little online symposium, using the book as a launching point.  Fabulously, the popular law blog "Concurring Opinions" has agreed to host.  You can find an example of the genre of online book symposium here: http://www.concurringopinions.com/archives/category/symposium-futur....
Particularly because this is an edited volume, and one designed, in open-sourcey way, to generate new ideas and conversations, the format is wide open -- we invite you to comment on a piece in the book, to use the occasion to blog about a new A2K issue or debate, or to simply comment on the conversation that emerges. Comments should generally be short (say, 3-8 paragraphs), and the only other requirement is that they be posted in the three day window for the symposium -- Tues. Feb. 1 - Thurs. Feb. 3.  

Will you join us?  We'd be happy to explain further, to suggest particular pieces or topics to consider, etc.
Look forward to your response,
All best
Amy Kapczynski

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