P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

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Next issue: June 2009. We welcome your article and information submissions.



Table of Contents, March 2009

* Leadership Quote: Steven Cornell, Miriam Jorgensen, Joseph P. Kalt and Katherine Spilde Contreras
* Leading Comments: Russ Volckmann, This Issue
* Leadership Coaching Tip: Steven Saunders, The Issue Buster
* A Fresh Perspective: Entrepreneurial Leadership: A Conversation with Brian Johnson
* Review: Russ Volckmann, Transdisciplinary Horizons
* Article: Patricia von Papstein, Are You Ready to Play the Integral Way?
* Article: Sue L.T. McGregor, Integral Leadership’s Potential to Position Poverty Within Transdisciplinarity
* Integral for the Masses: Keith Bellamy, Suffer Little Children
* Article:
Michael Jones, Transforming Leadership Through the Power of the Imagination, with audio of his music
* Article: Maureen Metcalf and Robert Weisenburger Lipetz, Transforming a Leader and his Organization: An Approach, a Case Study, and Measurable Results
* Article: Pleuntje van Meer, Integral Top Team Alignment
* Article: Raghu Ananthanarayanan, Vandana Menon and K. S. Narendran, Kaipa's Pyramid as a Yantra
* Article: Kees Steeneken, Towards an Integral Leadership Vision in Software Development
* Global Values Update: Alan Tonkin, Update 2009
* Notes from the Field
* Dave Pendle, London Integral Salon: A Dialogue and Discussion on Integral Politics
* Peter Merry and Meshworking for Change and Development
* Announcements: United States, Canada and Europe
* Leadership Emerging:
* Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan, The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life
* James P. Spillane and John B. Diamond, editors, Distributed Leadership in Practice
* Edgar H. Schein, Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help
* Mary Ulh-Bien and Russ Marion, Complexity Leadership, Part I: Conceptual Foundations
* Lowell Bryan and Diana Farrell. “Leading Through Uncertainty. The McKinsey Quarterly, December 2008.

* Coda: Compassionate Self-Discipline and Integral Life Practice

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