P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Dec. 4: Commons evening in Berlin with David Bollier and Silke Helfrich

via Silke Helfrich:

Event in the American Academy in Berlin:

Creative Commons is turning 10 this year in December. We would like to invite you to an evening lecture on December 4, 7:30 pm, where the author, activist, and co-founder of the Commons Strategies Group, Academy fellow David Bollier, will discuss "The Commons as a New/Old Paradigm of Governance, Policy and Political Action" at the Academy's Hans Arnhold Center. The evening will be moderated by Silke Helfrich and followed by a reception.

In his lecture, Bollier will explore the increasing international
interest in the current discourse of Commons as a paradigm of governance shared by an entire community. The appeal of the Commons stems both from an insightful critique of neoliberal economics and policy, as well as
from its practical systems for managing value. Eschewing homo
economicus, the standard economic model of human behavior, the Commons draws upon understandings of human action that also encompass our capacities for cooperation and collaboration. The result has been a
recent explosion of innovative commons-based projects such as free and open source software, the re-localization of food, collaborative consumption, open-access publishing, and alternative currencies. This lecture concentrates on the global Commons movement as a federated,
transnational movement of movements to overcome the limitations of centralized institutions and markets in favor of commons-based models.

David A. Bollier aims to produce a strategy memorandum as a foundation for further discussion, planning, and action in the commons world.

To attend, please submit the enclosed form via fax, respond to this invite, or register online

The Academy also offers this lecture as a livestream
Eight Points of Reference for Commoning
The Commons, Short and Sweet /span>http://bollier.org/commons-short-and-sweet>


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