P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Breizh Entropy Congress in Rennes, Bretagne: inter-disciplinary event focuses on free (as in freedom) creations and culture

Via Valerie Dagrain <vdagrain@free.fr>

Date: 2010/2/26
Subject: peer production (pour info)/ Breizh Entropy Congress april 15-17 2010 Rennes, France ; cfp to forward
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004@gmail.com>

April 15-17 2010, Rennes, France
Call for Proposals

French version at bottom / Version française en bas

Passionate individuals and non-profit organizations from the region of
Rennes, Brittany, France invite you to participate in the first Breizh
Entropy Congress.
This inter-disciplinary event focuses on free (as in freedom) creations
and culture.

Through a meeting fostering open-mindedness, exchange of ideas and
learning, we hope to show solutions to technical, social and political
problems, and celebrate free, reclaimed and creative art and technology.

We happily welcome entropy, as a means to break artificial boundaries
between disciplines and find unexpected ways of doing things that
promote liberalization, sharing and reclaiming of technologies that
traditionnally belonged to the realm of corporations and well-funded
academic labs.

NB: We are grateful for any kind of distribution of this CfP!

We gladly accept your proposals for the following formats. You can
submit a proposal alone or as a group. The list is not exhaustive.
- Lecture (Friday & Saturday 10:00-18:00). One hour slot to
explain or present your project or idea.
- Panel discussion (Friday & Saturday 10:00-18:00). One hour
of debate on the subject you propose.
- Lightning talk (Friday & Saturday 10:00-18:00). 5 minute short talk to
outline your idea and give a web link to the audience.
- Workshop (Friday & Saturday 10:00-18:00). Hands-on practice in
electronics, mechanics, chemistry or software, led by yourself. Can be
any length between 1 and 8 hours.
- Music concert (Thursday 18:00-24:00). If you play music licensed under
CC or any other free license, be most welcome. All styles accepted. Duration
30min - 2 hours.
- Artistic performances (Thursday 18:00-24:00). Duration 10min - 2 hours.
- Exhibition and artistic installations (during the complete event).
Come and bring your cool hardware and/or artistic projects.
- Posters (during the complete event). We will have space in the
exhibition room for you to stick posters about your projects, ideas or

Free hardware
- Free your manufacturing: FabLabs & RepRap
- Free your vintage electronics: DIY vacuum tube fabs
- Free your silicon: DIY semiconductor fabs
- DIY thin film technology
- Drones (UAVs)
- Soldering workshops
- Electronics workshops

Free devices
- Free your applications: file format reverse engineering
- Free your drivers: device protocol reverse engineering
- Free your logic design: open FPGA cores and tools
- Free your PCBs: free "traditional" electronics designs
- Home automation

Free software
- Innovative & original free software tools
- Free games
- Reverse engineering tools & techniques
- Pentesting tools
- Graphics & live audio processing tools
- Free software economy

Free radio
- Free your waves: open source software-defined radios
- Free your communications: wireless mesh networks
- Amateur radio
- Open hardware mobile phones

Free science
- Any type of uncommon science experiment contributing to free knowledge
- Cyclotrons
- Gyrotrons
- Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging devices
- Free your space exploration: google LunarXPrize projects
- Free your energy generators: alternative & DIY power stations
- Artificial intelligence & neural networks
- Cognitive sciences
- Alternative scientific paper review/publication systems

Free society
- Ensuring access to public data
- Political debates on net neutrality
- Ethical & problematic free licensing schemes
- Visions of freedom
- Intellectual property
- Future of free software and legal threats
- Preserving the commons
- Access to knowledge
- Escaping control society
- Liquid democracy

Free individuals
- Privacy
- Accessibility
- Hijacking of established practices and purposes
- Darknets
- Hackerspaces
- Creative hijacking of public space

Free art
- Free artwork and/or artwork made with free software
- Artistic performances
- Artistic installations
- Any style of freely-licensed music
- Computer-assisted music
- Remix culture/Transformative works
- Free cinema
- Demoscene

...And anything that does not fit...

- Sébastien Bourdeauducq
Sébastien is a passionate science and technology generalist. He is a
core member of /tmp/lab, a Paris hackerspace, since 2008 and
participated in organizing the Hacker Space Festivals. His projects
include Milkymist (an open source hardware system-on-chip for live video
art), Consumer-B-Gone (a mobile phone ringtone that blocks shopping
carts), reverse engineering Prism54 Wi-Fi cards, and many others. Web:

- Nicolas Brodu
Nicolas Brodu is a teacher and researcher, currently at University of
Rennes He is interested by the use of machine learning to investigate
complex systems, as a way to deal with emergent phenomena. He develops
free software, both for scientific and general use, amongst which the
Encours.org teleconference server. See http://nicolas.brodu.numerimoire.net

- Meven Car

- Pierre Cosquer
Pierre is a student at the Computer Science Department at INSA de Rennes
(an engineering school). He is a member of Actux and one of the
developers of The ProPHET (http://codingteam.net/project/prophet).

- Valérie Dagrain
Valérie is a consultant specialised in the stakes of information society
and digital territories. She is involved full time on free software
projects and on the advocacy of Internet at the service of citizens. She
invests herself in usability, interoperability, digital inclusion,
participative democracy, promoting access to knowledge and ensuring
access to public data.She contributes in local development and the
organization of Free Software events and workshops since 2002.

- Nina Engelhardt
Nina is a student in computer science at ENS Cachan. She is a member of
/tmp/lab and helped with the organization of the Hacker Space Festival
2009. Her interests are centered around the intersection of technology,
culture and society.

- Kevin Hinault
Developer in an ITC (Information Technology Consulting) company.
Assistance on the Debian mailing-lists. Member of the April non profit
organization. Active member of Breizhtux: mainly involved in the monthly
Install Party and in organizing the RBLL (Rencontres Bretonnes du
Logiciel Libre). Blogger on system-linux.eu. Occasional Mozilla contributor.

- John Lejeune
Dived into Free Software ten years ago and since then, does not give up.
Now involved in hackable-devices.com, he applies to hardware the
principles of Free Software and DIY culture. His other passion is the
radio broadcasting world, through associations like
http://radio.rmll.info or http://canalb.fr.

- Yohann Lepage
Yohann is a master student in engineering in networks and
He has a passion for innovative and free technology.

- David Mentré
Founding member of Gulliver, lead developer of demexp software
(http://demexp.org) and co-developer of MapOSMatic (http://maposmatic.org).
Free Software activist for more than 15 years.

- Carole Thibaud
Young video maker from Nantes, member of some non-profit organizations
like Makiz'art (audiovisual creation and independant production), Mire
(experimental cinema), and the Crealab network (digital creation). Vj,
projectionist, editor, documentary director, she's interested as much in
real time video as in the techniques of argentic cinema.

- Kereoz
Kereoz is a PhD student in computer security. He is passionate with
arts, science and their interaction. He is a core member of Actux (FOSS)
and MDesigner (FOSS & electronic arts).

tags: programming, multimedia, 3d, audio, contrib, linux, debian,
packaging, ubuntu, embedded, telephony, openmoko, maemo, c, c++,
privacy, android, qt, java, low tech, autonomy, amiga, diy ...
url: http://rzr.online.fr/contribs.htm

- Taz

Send your submission before the deadline to cfp AT breizh-entropy.org.
Be sure to include information about the following points:
- Format of the submission
- Title of the submission
- Name of speaker(s)/presenter(s)/artist(s)
- Language (if applicable): French/English
- Summary of the submission
- Short bio
- Hardware/logistics requirements
- Contact e-mail and (if possible) mobile phone

Universite de Rennes, Campus Beaulieu
263 Avenue du Général Leclerc
35700 Rennes, France

Price: Free!
Opening: Thursday, April 15th 2010, 18:00
Closing: Saturday, April 17th 2010, 18:00

For concerts & artistic performances on stage:
Submission Deadline: February 2nd 2010, 23:59
Notification of Acceptance: February 4th 2010
Publication of Schedule: February 12th 2010

For all other formats:
Submission Deadline: March 10th 2010, 23:59
Notification of Acceptance: March 20th 2010
Publication of Schedule: March 25th 2010

Website: www.breizh-entropy.org
CfP Mail (for sending your proposals only): cfp AT breizh-entropy.org
Orga Contact (for all the rest): contact AT actux.fr

Breizh Entropy Congress is a zero-budget operation entirely run by
volunteers and we therefore cannot help anyone with their food, travel
and accommodation expenses. However, we might be able to arrange
makeshift accommodation for participants in need, contact us for more
Breizh Entropy Congress is not an academic conference.

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