Mariana Salgado is a interaction designer, researcher and doctoral student at the Media Lab, University of Art and Design Helsinki. She has a Master Degree on Product and Strategic Design from the same university. Her bachelor degree as Industrial Designer is from University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
She has been working in Media Lab from 2001, collaborating in the following projects: 4G Design, Digital Facsimile of the Map of Mexico 1550, Äänijälki (Sound Trace), ImaNote, Keskustelukartta (Conversational Map) and Esineiden Salatut Elämät (The Secret Life of Objects). Sound Trace was done in collaboration with Ateneum Museum. Conversational Map was an interactive piece in Taidehalli (Art Museum in Helsinki) and The Secret Life of Objects is an on-going project in Design Museum, Helsinki. In all these projects there is active participation of people creating the content for the exhibition.
The working title of her doctoral research is "Designing for an Open Museum: An exploration of content creation and sharing through interactives ".
She writes about her work in a weblog: Piñatas Digitales (in Spanish)
She leads together with Tuutikki Tolonen the reading group for Spanish speaking children in Helsinki: Tres nubes in Rikhardinkatu Library.
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I met people in Media Lab that told me about this group
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I am RonaId Morris, I saw your profile and I decided to contact you immediately. Can you get back to me on my email ( for full details.