P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

the multiple levels of yunus -and third of a century bangladesh-inspired - peer to peer systems interest me more than any other model partly because they connect with father and my 25 year long scenario that end poverty would be the make or break peer to peer network replication of our generation http://www.normanmacrae.com/netfuture.html

peer to peer yunus starts with 5 women microentrepreneur teams in the village and 60 women village centers; since 1996 the 125,000 centres have been mobile connected ;and with grameen-intel is now looking at internet centres too http://www,grameensolutions.com http://jamiibora.net - africa's most exciting p2p process as far as my searches reveal

equally http://www.microcreditsummit.org evolved as the world's number 1 networking procvess for sustainability since 1997 - the content of http://futurecapitalism.tv may determine what way the globe crashes or sustains

so if P2PF has contributions to yunus 69th birthday http://yunusforum.net please use this space to clarify what they might be

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