P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

This was posted on my healthfreedom ning group.

The Pirate Party is the Next Big Thing.

The Swedish Pirate Party scores over 5% in a recent poll and will win one or maybe two seats in the EU Parliament election in June.


Their campaign in Sweden is incredibly successful right now and is lifted by the scandal of the pro-copyright biased judge who handed out harsh sentences for the Pirate Bay founders.

Read the healthfreedom post here

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I would be interested in learning whether the PP is a single issue party, or has a more comprehensive political program,

The main issues for the PP are:

*Noncommercial file sharing should be legal

*Defend privacy and rule of law against government surveillance and snooping
of citizen’s internet surfing

*Put restrictions and democratic oversight over the shadow world of the spooks

*Stop compulsory data retention of all your phone calls, SMSs and

*Stop IPRED (a law which gives the IPR-lobby the right to sue private individuals
for 100.000s of Euros for file sharing. It is a legal tort case which means that
the lobby doesn’t need proof “beyond reasonable doubt” to win. The single
mom with an 11 year old son gets no legal aid and will have to pay the costs
of the lawyers for the lobby if she loses in a tort case.)

*Stop ACTA (an international IPR-lobby treaty which gives customs officers
the right to copy the content of MP3-players, laptops and mobile phones in
random searches of passengers.)

*Abolish software patents, medical patents and all other patents

*Defend Net Neutrality; stop the idea of turning the Internet into cable-TV
network where big companies decide what you can access

*Stop government Internet censorship

*Stop the EU from becoming a super state controlled by corporate lobbyists

*Don’t allow “the war on terrorism” to become an excuse to dismantle the
open democratic society

*Defend democracy and the rule of law

The PP has explicitly no policy about taxes, labor law, pensions, health
care, etc.
Thanks for the details Sepp, but it is as I feared largely single issue.

The battle against information enclosures should be complemented by a defense of the natural commons (reducing pseudo-abundance), and social justice. As it is, they are only fight one third of the fight, against artificial scarcity.

Here's already a backlash against this fast growing phenomenon:

German Pirate Party banned from social network

“Just a few days ago it was announced that German political parties would be allowed to campaign and engage the public via the social networking site StudiVZ. Not all parties will be allowed to participate though, since the German Pirate Party has been undemocratically banned from StudiVZ.

The other political parties were allowed to have a special account to show they are an organization and not an individual. The Pirate Party, however, was not allowed to have one and instead operated on a standard user account registered by an individual.

See article on the P2P Foundation blog




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