P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

This is an experiment to assess how many potential people there are out there who have any interest in a serious discussion on Shona sculpture and modern Zimbabwean art in the context of contemporary African art in general and authenticity in specific.

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Hi Jonathan,

not really sure you're going to find people here for that ... as the scope of the forum is the open/free, participatory/p2p and commons oriented practices ... quite broad, but probably not broad enough to include such an art discussion, unless it was related to free culture etc..

Thanks Michel,

Yes indeed. My interest is about the dispersal and commentary upon free information about culture and art, in this case authenticity and history in Shona sculpture in which I thought of posting unpublished materials on-line as pdfs to stimulate shared discussion bridging academic and non-academic domains.

I did not really expect the experiment to be successful in this domain, nor in any other for that matter, but am just experimenting with various internet contexts towards understanding new media through testing it out. Perhaps I should start with a Wiki!





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