This is a personal message of someone interested in advancing the technology of generalized p2p interaction on the net. You can contact Adam by email. It's adamsobieski @hotmail dot com, but perhaps it would be better to have the conversation here, so others can listen in...
Here's the message:
P2P Foundation,
Hello. My name is Adam Sobieski. I am a technologist who makes various software including artificial intelligence, distributed computing and P2P approaches to distributed computing. Lately, some of my focus has been upon e-learning applications, broadening e-learning capabilities and technologies. Additionally, an interest of mine is increasing the ease of multimedia use and publishing by end-users, and increasing multimedia to include interactive video. We can imagine audio and video blogs, as well as forums and interactive spaces.
I am interested in encouraging the creation of and search and retrieval of blogs and forums in intuitive ways, encouraging the expression of opinion by end-users, encouraging connections between people, content discovery, socialization, participation in civil society without motivated actors in their midst, and otherwise empowering end-users through technology that facilitates their expression of their reactions to the world around them as well as the expression of their desires with regard to their world. I view peer-to-peer networking as the logical technology upon which to construct next-generation blogs and forums.
I would also like developers to be aware of all the P2P libraries and utilities that exist. I would like to be more participative somehow in providing resources to developers to create new solutions on the P2P area.
I would also like to encourage somehow academic rapid prototyping of new research artifacts atop existing applications, clients, browsers, various objects where a branch or modification of an open source project can rapidly and effectively communicate an idea in a participative way with the scientific community in the form of the artifact and related publications. This, in my opinion, benefits all of the involved scientists and facilitates additional communication between scientists through constructed variations of artifacts exhibiting prototypical research functionality.
Also, we can imagine a distribution network for RSS about new software, versions and modules in the P2P area. I feel that every developer has an interest in the means of connecting with interested end-users, additionally many software have web-based means of apprising users to the release of versions. I would like to see this integrated into a desktop taskbar notification area as opposed to each application running a separate process to poll a web service to periodically check if an application popup is required. This an integration methodology for new components and versionings can be of use. In particular as live distributed applications have more complex versioning scenarios. I view "distributed versioning" as a pragmatic complexity that can be alleviated with a shared network resource providing a service to end-users as well as allowing bolder advancements. The means by which distributed applications version in a distributed manner and the means by which end-users are apprised of new components and modules of interest to them. I think that we developers would like that, that with an integrated widget, possibly on the taskbar. Desktop integrated software arrival and versioning notification through a decentralized and distributed resource or network combined with user settings and ergonomics.
I wanted to introduce myself, say hello and indicate the above idea for a distributed resource. I'm composing also some ideas regarding implementations of completely decentralized distributed peer-to-peer blogging and forum systems. If anybody knows of existing research in those areas I'd be interested in reading the science in that area.