P2P Foundation

The Foundation for Peer to Peer Alternatives

Dear friends,

I will be pretty much on the road from next week until March 20. First, I will attend the Mekong ICT course in the Bangkok area, and I expect to be fully busy during the day time. Then, from March 2 to 18, I will be in the Bay Area, attending eComm 2008 and lecturing, mostly this time about participatory spirituality (nobody else wants to here about this, but hey, this is California).

There are times when I have a much harder time to blog.

It is also a good time for the p2p community to kick in, so that the blog can maintain its regularity and dynamism!!

Please do think about contributing about your own projects, alerting us to any important trends, or starting possible discussions. Commenting is of course welcome as well.

James Burke is our blog gardener and delivers the editing authorisations, so please contact him per email.

If each of you could contribute one item per week, that would be great. Please pay attention to the publication schedule. The idea is to have at least one item per day, but no more than four, and to post-date any items which are in excess of that limit.

Of course, the wiki needs attention too!

Michel Bauwens

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Hello Michel!
Regarding participatory spirituality, you wrote nobody else wants to here about this.
Should this be nobody else here wants to hear about this?
Anyway: I do!
Greetings from Austria :-)
Of course, it should have been "hear"

Since you are interested, see here at


and of course lot's more at http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Spirituality





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